
Monday, September 9, 2013

Movie Review

Who doesn't like a good movie? And if by chance it's on DVD, even better! Our local library offers DVD's, and I like when I take a chance on one and it ends up being a good one.

This is what is playing:

"Rudy Donatello is a struggling musician and drag performer in a gay nightclub in 1979 West Hollywood, where he meets Paul Fleiger, a closeted district attorney. Returning home to his apartment, Rudy finds Marco, a 14-year-old with Down syndrome, left alone after his mother, Marianna, had been arrested. Rudy takes in the abandoned boy, but Family Services intervenes and takes Marco to foster care. Rudy enlists Paul to help him gain custody of Marco and the two visit Marianna in prison to coax her into signing the temporary guardianship papers, which she does. All is well as Rudy and Paul become Marco's guardians, but when Rudy and Paul's relationship is called into question by the court system, the two men find themselves spiraling into a legal battle to become the legal and permanent guardians of the fascinating boy who showed them both the real joy of what it means to be a parent." WIKIPEDIA

This movie is inspired by a true story from the 1970's. It may be more common now to see gay parents adopt a child, but back then it was considered illegal. Unfortunately, the courts were not looking at what was best for the child, and let their closed-mindedness rule the case.

So get your popcorn ready....

and get ready to watch a moving, sometimes funny, often times sad, movie. I give it 3 STARS!!


  1. so its really good? i will put it on the list...

  2. Sounds good ... I love to find out about these independent (not blockbuster) movies.

  3. my library is now starting to offer bluray

  4. We never watch a movie in one sitting here. Either get interrupted with customers or we fall asleep! Maybe this winter ....

  5. Please don't add to my to be seen movie pile. It might compete with my to be read pile. That's getting unmanageable.

  6. Yes, Pat, it's going on my list too. These days I only watch DVDs that are recommended.

  7. Never heard o fit but sounds interesting! :) Danica

  8. I"ve not heard of that one, but I adore Alan Cumming, so I'd totally watch it based on him alone!

  9. I"ve not heard of that one, but I adore Alan Cumming, so I'd totally watch it based on him alone!

  10. Looking at the cover of the video, I immediately thought The Good Wife! :) Of course, the story is totally different...

  11. I haven't heard of this one. Sounds pretty good!


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?