
Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Signs - When things go too far


For more fun signs, visit Lesley here.


  1. Ha-ha! Seriously, I'm laughing! :) Danica

  2. O-M-G
    ha. wow. no one would really get that for their kid, right?

  3. Hahaha! That is hilarious, but I hope no one buys it and lets her child wear it out of the house.

    I thought of you when I was at the airport. I saw a REALLY tall guy walking towards our gate. He wore a shirt that said, "6'11" Yes, I do play."

    One of the best shirts I've ever seen, but I thought it would be too rude to take a photo of it. :)

  4. I wouldn't be surprised to see this at walmart

  5. LOL... what does it say on the back?

  6. too funny!!!
    but maybe not so much if it was on a real kid.

  7. Yeah, we've all said or at least thought something along those lines, but hopefully not out loud in front of the kid! I can't actually imagine a mother letting a child wear that; I almost think it would be cruelty (even tho s/he's too little to read, somebody somewhere is going to take his/her picture....)

  8. Too funny. I've seen many clever onesies like that. Not that saying, but things along those lines. Crack me up every time.

  9. Whoops! Well, Mommy obviously got an extra gift with that back rub!

  10. lol...yeah, i don't fall for that anymore ;)

  11. reading the comments, i was laughing about the one that saw a t-shirt that said "6'11 and yes i do play" it reminds me of the tshirts i bought my twins when they were todderls "yes we're twins and yes we're identical" lol...we would be asked those same questions everytime we were out..they were cute tshirts and made people laugh :D

  12. A story I tell when my son was about 8 months old (he's 21 YEARS old now) and many times I'd carry him around on my shoulders.
    Long story short, Mrs. Penwasser, the heir (who wasn't walking obviously), and I were walking around a JC Penney on day.
    For the longest time, I was catching the smallest whiff of what smelled like spoiled milk.
    Finally, a lady tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Excuse me sir. Your baby got sick on your head."
    The same baby who pooped on my face like a fecal shotgun.
    I won't go into that one, though.

  13. LOL! That made me snort. (Not a fun sound!)


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