
Tuesday, August 6, 2013

If You Build It, They Will Come

Last weekend was our annual camping get together with Jim's side of the family. This time we met in Platteville, Wisconsin at a conference center that is set up like dorms. It worked out real well for all of us. There were a total of 30; 21 adults and 9 kids; 7 of which were 4 1/2 and under!

One day Jim, our kids, and I took an hour drive to Dyersville, Iowa, where the movie "The Field of Dreams" was filmed.

Our son-in-law, Dave, brought along a bat, ball, and mitt.

The place, literally, is in a cornfield. Here is the road driving to the place.

There were a lot of cars in the parking lot. This is the gift shop.

Dave and Jim went out to the field. Dave pitched for a little bit, then hit some balls. Jim was catcher.

My son, Jason, hitting a ball or two.

At the beginning, there were just a couple of guys in the field, but all of a sudden, guys came pouring into the field from the parking lot (not from the cornfield! *wink*) It game me such a warm feeling to see everyone out there playing.

I sat on the bleachers watching the guys play and enjoying the ambiance of the place. A woman who was probably in her sixties, with a southern accent said, "I'm taking a picture of my granddaughters coming out of the cornfield. They don't want to do it. They are 15 and 17. But too bad. I want it!" She stared off into the cornfields and I could see a woman (probably her daughter) taking pictures of two young woman standing in the corn. Made me smile! Then the woman continued, pointing to a little blond girl sitting behind me on the bleachers, "You look just like that little girl in the movie. She was sitting there eating a hot dog and she said, 'Don't worry Daddy. They will come.' Oh. It just makes me cry!" And she teared up!

So of COURSE we had to take pictures of us coming out of the corn. I had to really convince my granddaughter, Lily, that it was fun!

My son, Jason, and his fiance, Reena.

And, moi!

Now, why is it that I don't have pictures of my daughter walking out of the corn? Hmmm......she's got some 'splaining to do!

Dave and Jessica brought Lily's bat and ball so she could be a part of history and say that she batted a ball at the Field of Dreams.

The house from the movie was off-limits, but you could take a picture in front of it.

All in all, we had a great time. I definitely have to watch the movie again to refresh my memory! I would recommend this place to visit - it is free. Don't forget to bring a bat, ball, and mitt if you want to play on the field!


  1. that is so cool...what a good movie...and so funny how all the guys got pulled into the field on your visit as well...ha...i would have been there...

  2. That is neat. I loved it and I loved the movie too. That would be a great place to visit.

  3. My that corn is HIGH. You could get lost in there. What fun though.

  4. Wow, this is so cool. Field of Dreams is one of my favorite movies. Great post! This is now on my Paces to visit list.

  5. How absolutely cool is that?
    We just had Mini-Golf on OUR camping trip!

  6. Give it a few years, then everyone will appreciate the cornfield pics.

  7. This is on my bucket list to see someday, although the movie makes me cry my eyes out now. Hard to believe it's been over 20 years since it came out! Glad you got to see it!

  8. This is the corniest post EVAH!!!

    Loved seeing Miss Lily again... she's so damn cute!!

  9. I always forget the name of that movie

  10. How fun! And a great idea to get pix coming out of the corn. Did I notice that there was not a picture of Jim coming out of the corn either?

    Also, too cool that people decided to come out and play ball. I am very sure it made the day so much better and their stories of the day so much richer for having played on the field--and all because of you guys! :)

  11. My husband would have loved to have been there with you all!!! He loves baseball and we watched that movie more than once. I am sure we probably own it, too. Thank you for sharing all the pics of what you did. It's really neat.

  12. That was a good movie! We were big baseball fans then...until the World Series strike killed it for us...and NASCAR became our passion!

  13. True confession: My husband was one of the Ghost players. I have to share this post with him!

  14. That is too cool! I'm envious Pat!


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