
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Going Bananas

My husband, Jim, loves to eat bananas. But they seem to turn brown so quickly. He had heard somewhere that bananas will last longer if you separate them. So this is what my kitchen table frequently looks like.

I decided to play a little trick on him. I saw this on someone else's blog. Use a toothpick and write messages on the bananas. You can not see the words at first, but soon the letters will turn brown. I would recommend using a new toothpick for each banana so the tip remains sharp. I didn't so my printing is a little messy.

I kept my messages clean because I knew I would be sharing them with you! ;)

This photo was taken after only a few hours of my writing on the bananas. I snickered and turned the bananas over so the messages didn't show. I wanted to see if Jim was alert enough to catch it when he peeled the banana.

I thought he already had had his banana intake for the day when I had written on them, so I was surprised when I heard him let out a laugh in the kitchen and say, "Hey, look at this!" He came into the living room where I sat by my computer and showed me the banana that read, "You're my top banana". He took one look at my face and and realization dawned on him. He said, "Did you do this?" I laughed so hard! He actually thought it came from the grocery store that way!

Here are the bananas the second day. The words get more pronounced as the banana ripens.

This little gesture brought a smile to Jim's face every time he ate a banana. I'd hear him read the comment out loud before peeling the banana.

I may just have to do this again.


  1. heh. guess i have to keep my comment clean as well then...he he

    very cool...little messages like that...or finding it in your lunch would be very cool...

  2. I am so totally doing this!!!!!! OMG that's frickin brilliant! We'll see if Russell notices...he's usually eager to get at what's inside the peel! lol

  3. What a great and fun idea! I might just have to give it a try.

    I found that hanging my bananas on a banana "tree" hanger helps them to not ripen so quickly and keeping them away from other fruits really helps too!

  4. Does separating them help? It seems they go brown so quickly.

  5. I knew someone who wrote evil messages on a co-workers banana each day at work. It really spooked her!

  6. That is just great, I loved this -- never heard of this trick before (but I'm the only one in our family who peels the bananananas..(I have trouble stopping on that word) I might just have to try it at my daughter's just for fun -- if I can sneak into her kitchen when she's not looking.

    This post is funny right down to the sign on the last picture (did you take that?)

  7. Oh yeah, I seriously meant to ask if separating them actually helps?

  8. love little messages like that.

    what a neat idea, pat!

    btw. your header photo is just gorgeous:))

  9. That is so cute - - and clever - - writing the messages. Thanks for the idea. Did you really have to pay $.78 per pound for them? I am thinking we are paying at the most $.59 per pound. I will check when I am at the store tomorrow.

  10. That is a FANTASTIC idea. For some reason, all my kids, who used to choose to eat bananas daily, now refuse to eat them. (I think they do it on purpose so I have some to make more banana bread.) I am going to have to come up with some clever things to write on them, perhaps getting someone to eat one.
    Thanks for sharing this idea!

  11. Life is never dull when you're around, Pat. Who else would have though of leaving messages on bananas. Er... I've just got to have a go!

  12. I think you might have to keep it up, because he might be looking forward to them now! :) You could do all kinds of things too. You could draw hearts, pictures, whatever. That is very clever!

  13. such fun! I don't have toothpicks, but the business end of a pair of scissors did the trick. I don't think my husband has noticed yet.

  14. That is so cool! I'm going to give it a try!

  15. I am going to try this! :)
    I actually like the bananas better when they are a little brown b/c they are sweeter.


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