
Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Armchair Book Review

Linda Castillo is fast becoming one of my favorite authors. This latest book in her Amish series, Her Last Breath, is the best so far. Kate Burkholder is the Chief of Police of Painter's Mill. Being ex-Amish is both a blessing and a detriment to her. She understands how things are in the Amish community; yet they shun her because she has left it. But Kate is there to do a job, and she is good at it. This story opens up with a devastating hit and run accident involving Paul Borntrager and his children. Paul's wife, Maggie, an old friend of Kate's, is beside herself with grief. Kate works day and night to figure out who is the culprit of the accident, and if it is indeed an "accident". What she discovers is startling.

Tomasetti, the FBI agent that Kate is involved with, is back in this story, too. I just want to shake Kate and say, "Don't you know a good thing when you see it?"

You won't be disappointed with this story!


  1. Thanks for the review! I'll look forward to this one.

  2. oo pretty flowers in your header....

    huh sounds like a pretty cool story, dont think my wife has read any by her...might have to get her to try it out....

  3. I am writing this down so I don't forget the next time I need a book to read.

  4. About the echinacea in your header... are you growing them? Or were you just out and about? I love those things, they're so cool to look at, they're fun to draw, and they're good for your health if prepared properly.

  5. Was this made into a movie? Because I saw a movie that sounds like it was made from this set of books and it was REALLY good!

    PS--really loving the watercolor background and flowers in the header! So summery! :)

  6. I'll have to look for this one. It sounds like a good read.

  7. Don't you just hate it when the characters don't listen to your logic? This one sounds good, thanks for the review.

  8. Haven't heard of this author or series before and it sounds so interesting. I like reading series set in particular places...satisfies my travel itch and my love of mysteries. Thanks for the recommendation.


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