
Monday, May 13, 2013

Snugg Mini iPad Case Review

I was approached by a representative of and asked if I'd like to review one of their products in exchange for said product.

Their products (150 items) consist of cases - for iPads, mini iPads, all kinds of phones, Kindles, and all kinds of accessories.

I requested a cover for my mini iPad. Let's face it. Those things are expensive, and if you don't have a protective cover on it, well, you are just plain foolish.

And why not find a stylish one from The Snugg while you are at it?

I requested one in bright red leather. I received it today.

First off, the package arrived safe and sound (from the UK). No damage whatsoever to the package. The first thing that hit me was the smell of leather. I excitedly ripped open the package, with my husband jealously looking on.

I easily slipped my mini iPad into the cover. Here it is.


See that cut out on the left side? That is a handle that you can slip your hand into when the top is folded back. This makes it easy to hold if you are showing people something on your pad. But for me personally? It's great because I have arthritis in my hands and sometimes I get pains in them from holding my device. This will ease the stress from my fingers. That tab on the top right is actually a loop that holds a stylus, which is also available on their website.

If you still are not sold on this product, here's some more convincing data:

  • My product also came with a card that read, "If you have any problems with the fit of your case, please contact us for an instant, no question exchange." :)  (Yes, there was even a smiley face.)
  • 750,000 cases sold in the last year
  • Rated 4.8*/5 on Amazon. That is pretty darn good.
So, if you are in need of a case for your phone, iPad, mini iPad, or need any kind of accessory, visit their website at  to see all their goodies! 

You will not be disappointed!


  1. um, i need an ipad first...which i want...but too broke to purchase right now...once day, maybe....then a cool cover...smiles.

  2. That's a nice case for sure...but I, too, first need the iPad!

  3. Oh I don't need an iPad we have enough electronics in this house lol ! Cool case though ! Thanks for sharing . Have a good day !

  4. That's the colour of my cover, Pat. Mine props up the iPad when it is in one direction only... I like the idea of the strap to slip the hand in when it changes direction.

  5. How nice to be invited to try a product and write a review. How did you get in on that gig?

  6. I will be sure to recommend this to my sons who do have them. What an awesome looking case.


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