
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Our Little Getaway Part Two

If you missed Part One, you can catch up here. I mentioned in yesterday's Signs post that Saugatuck is an artsy-fartsy town. It has 19 art galleries! With a population of only 1,000 people, that is like a museum for every 52 1/2 people! Of course, during tourist season, there can be as many as 3000 people in town, so they'd have to learn to share more!

To show how artsy this town is, look at the public bathroom! It is painted using "pointillism", (small dots) and is an exact replica of the famous painting, "A Sunday Afternoon on Le Grande Jatte" by Georges Seurat.

We happened to visit Saugatuck just before the tourist season opened. Luckily some of the shops were open, and in particular, Kilwin's Chocolates where we dined on hand-dipped homemade ice cream in a waffle cone. Wait. Let me wipe the drool off of my chin. Sorry. Didn't take any pictures of us wolfing those down. I didn't want to take the time to put down the cone. But I DID take a picture of this whopping big turtle! Feast your eyes on THIS folks! Yes, it DOES cost almost 8 BUCKS, but c'mon, it's the size of your hand!

We also stopped in at the Saugatuck Drug Store. It is like a throwback to the good old days. It has everything imaginable for sale inside. They even have an old-fashioned soda fountain, which, unfortunately, was not up and running yet. Yep, you guessed it, not tourist season yet!

photo credit

We visited Saugatuck's Oval Beach, which has been rated by Conde Naste Traveler Magazine as one of the best 25 shorelines in the world! Who knew?

Later in the afternoon we went to the Saugatuck Dunes State Park. It was a somewhat easy hike (well, a little difficult for this gal who doesn't exercise very much, but I DID IT!!)

The path

Almost there!

That bench has my name on it! Literally! I carved my name in it! KIDDING!!!! I did sit there till I could catch my breath and be able to talk!

A tugboat pulling a boat in the distance....

The weather was so beautiful that day.....sunny and about 65-70. Rain was expected for the following day so we had to come up with something to do. Stay tuned.


  1. looks beautiful...what a cool bathroom as that took some talent and time....

  2. Beautiful! We've never been to Saugatuck, but have been nearby a couple of times. (And will be again this summer.) I so enjoy that area. It's like visiting the ocean without the salt. And the hikes through the dunes can be killer! Good for you, making it to the top!

  3. I like the classic diner look of the place

  4. I LOVE Saugatuck. It's such a cute place. We spent a lot of time there when I was a kid. :)

    I have even featured those wonderfully painted bathrooms on my blog before. But I like your view better.

  5. The mural on the toilet block is lovely.

  6. so pretty. The Great Lakes are amazing aren't they? I wonder what beach combing is like there.

  7. Great shots.

    Beautiful place to visit.

  8. pretty place
    I love the bench facing out to the world beyond

  9. Wow - looks like a fabulous vacation spot. My husband grew up in Wisconsin and spent summers in a cottage on the lake.

  10. I would SO try one of those bear claws. Yummy!

  11. That does look like a great place to visit! One of these days when I can manage to get enough money to do more than visit my grandchildren I want to travel about like you do.

  12. I would have to use that restroom even if I did really have to go. What a beauty. Loved all the pictures. What a beautiful spot rain or shine. Would love to visit there. genie

  13. We need to go there this summer!

  14. Beautiful photos! Love your blog:)

    ~emily rose

  15. We used to look for real honest to God soda fountains when we traveled. What a great place for a getawy, even if not everything was opened yet.


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