
Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday's Funnies #12

With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much 
Information and wisdom in our heads that when there 
is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. 
So we aren't heavy, we are enormously cultured,
educated and happy.

Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror
I will think,  “Good grief, look how smart I am!”

Must be where "smart ass" came from!

Everybody laughs the same in every language 
because laughter is a universal connection.

Yakov Smirnoff


  1. all for connecting through laughter...smiles...and winning dance competitions just walking across the floor...that may be my only hope...smiles.

  2. It makes me smile to see you end with a Yakov quote. We once saw his show in Branson, MO, and had a ball.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. The swing one really cracked me up. lol

  4. I bet that swing guy was asking for it

  5. Good ones! I have to steal that first cartoon and post it on facebook! lol

  6. That second cartoon is awesome!

  7. Good ones! Gave me a laugh and now I know I am ENORMOUSLY SMART!!!! LOL

  8. "It will be fun, they said."

    Gets me every time.

  9. Never said a word on your site. I have to say today: Thank You for the laughs! A lurker from Alabama...

  10. PS Sorry if you have written about it but the sculpture in your header--I have seen it a lot but what is it? I like it! :)

    When I think of Chicago I always think of the corncob buildings. I think they are cool! :)

  11. Thanks for morning laughs Pat! :)

  12. Oh dear...I just laughed so hard my side hurts! These are great!

    Love the quote at the true!

  13. haha...all of these are excellent!
    pat, i can always count on you for a good laugh!

    the quote at the end is so true.

    happy sunday!

    big hugs~


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?