
Saturday, April 27, 2013

"X" marks the spot!

My husband, Jim, and I traveled this great country of ours for SEVEN years in our RV. We saw many wonderful sights, visited famous and not so famous cities, and wandered through many a National Park. I have blogged through all our travels. I've stumbled upon the "Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2013". I decided to jump on board this crazy train and share with all of you places I have seen in my travels.

Day 24 "Blogging from A-Z Challenge"!

Marks the Spot!!!

of where the Aliens Landed!

I'm talking ROSWELL!!

Okay. I cheated a little. We did NOT travel to a place that begins with the letter "X". Sooooo, here's the next best thing!

The infamous day - July 8, 1947

First stop in Roswell? The UFO Museum.

It made a believer out of me.

True, it had some hokey exhibits like this one,

But then, here's an exhibit of what I think what could be construed as "realistic"....

We watched a few from an engineer who worked on a project to try to repair an "object" that had landed on earth. This particular engineer said that he had never encountered that type of material in his life. I thought the video was very convincing. Reading over the material of the poor rancher who first reported a "flying saucer" that landed on his ranch, then only to recant his story? Hmmmm....seems awfully fishy to me folks! My eyes got wider as I went through the museum. Jim just snorted and shook his head.

The town of Roswell really jumped on the theme of aliens, though.

There are alien lamp posts

A handful of gift shops with an alien stamped on anything, an "alien" coffee shop

and even the McDonald's is shaped like a flying saucer!

There is a nearby place that you can go to escape from all the alien madness. It's called the Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge. And you will see things like this....

and this

or this.

We also visited the Roswell Museum and Art Center, which, to my best recollection, was free, and I love a bargain!

So, you WILL forgive me for choosing "Roswell" for "X" marking the spot, yes?


I knew you would!

Ta-Ta! See you on the "Y" train! Our trip is coming to an end soon! That's good because I'm just about out of underwear!


  1. I've always been tempted to stop by there on my drives from Oregon to Texas and back, I just never have.
    You know what I love about your blog? Is waiting it to load and seeing the header come down a little at a time. I sit here in anticipation of what new header you have!

  2. I love the mystery behind Roswell. Are there really Aliens among us?? Good Post

  3. I would love to see Roswell!!!

  4. Excellent post! I like that the whole town embraces the theme cuz it is good for their economy - - but am also glad that the truth is presented in the film you mentioned. You write a great post. You could be a reporter.

  5. I am spending the weekend getting caught up. Your pictures are beautiful as usual. I would love to see the Valley of the Gods.
    Roswell looks like fun.
    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

  6. Love it! Years ago my husband took a business trip near Roswell and I made him promise to go to that museum. He brought back similar photos. I am sorry we are almost to the end. I've been enjoying all of your pictures and travel details.

  7. the town really is "far out"

  8. "A View from the Edge" has been included in the A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that I hope this helps to point many new visitors in your direction.

  9. Roswell was a hoot and very interesting besides! (We loved the whole State of NM). Loved the post; brought back great memories. Wondered how you were going to do X. You're forgiven. Go wash your underwear ;>)!

  10. I believe they are out there and, I would love to decorate my lamp post with alien eyes like the one you have shown here!

  11. My son wrote a poem this week that reminded me of you banner even thou they are geese. One of the lines... Ducks fill the world with glee. LOL


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?