
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

"O" is for Oatman

My husband, Jim, and I traveled this great country of ours for SEVEN years in our RV. We saw many wonderful sights, visited famous and not so famous cities, and wandered through many a National Park. I have blogged through all our travels. I've stumbled upon the "Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2013". I decided to jump on board this crazy train and share with all of you places I have seen in my travels.

Day 15 "Blogging from A-Z Challenge"! Halfway Done! Yipee!

is for Oatman, AZ

Oatman is located near the western border of the state. It was once a mining town, but now is a tourist stop on the way to Laughlin, Needles, or Bullhead, Arizona.

THE biggest attraction in the town are these guys.....

the wild mules that come down every day from the nearby hills and roam the streets of Oatman. The tourists are very happy to see them, and anxiously await them with bags of carrots (available for sale in EVERY store, of course!) (Just a word of advice: if you visit and you want to save a little money, buy your carrots before you get there. The long, regular-sized ones work great.)

Even though the mules are wild animals, they are pretty docile within reason. I mean, c'mon, you don't want to rush the animals all at once. They will come to you if you have food.

There is even a "hokey" gunfight played out in the streets.

And this mule just waited patiently alongside of the crowd for the show to be over.

I'm not sure if the mules hang around all day. I thought that they leave after they are full. I spied these babies standing along the side.

Of course, there  ARE shops to browse in. Some had unique items, others had the usual touristy things.

This is one of those places that I'm glad we stopped to see, but I wouldn't care to go through again. I really wanted to see the wild mules so that was worth it.


  1. The mules are adorable and they aren't dummies.....they know they'll be well fed in town!

  2. I really liked Oatman, The girls had a great time feeding the donkeys.
    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

  3. Love that spotted one.

    You do know how lucky you were to have seen all these amazing sites, don't you??

  4. Oatman was a town I'd never seen...thanks for sharing.

  5. Found your blog through the A to Z Challenge. I'm really enjoying reading about all your travels! You've got a new follower here!

    -Cristyl @


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