
Friday, April 5, 2013

E is for Elvis

My husband, Jim, and I traveled this great country of ours for SEVEN years in our RV. We saw many wonderful sights, visited famous and not so famous cities, and wandered through many a National Park. I have blogged through all our travels. I've stumbled upon the "Blogging from A to Z Challenge 2013". I decided to jump on board this crazy train and share with all of you places I have seen in my travels.

Day Five of the "Blogging from A-Z Challenge"!

"E" is for Elvis

Yeah, that Elvis.

The one that lived in Graceland. Which is really "G", but I didn't have anything for "E", so Elvis it is!

The famous musical gates in front of the house.

Although the house is considered a "mansion", it looks pretty mild to me.

Front of house
Back of home

Not his actual bedroom; that was off limits to the public.

Photos from inside the "Trophy Room"

Elvis is buried in the family plot behind the house.

Did you know that Elvis had a twin brother that died at birth? Me either.

I hope you enjoyed this quickie tour of Graceland. For more information, please click here.

Pop in and see what other bloggers have written about for the letter "E" here.


  1. We have never been to Graceland, but I'm sure I would enjoy the over-the-topness inside. We have been to the home in which he was born. The difference between the two homes is startling to say the least. Modest is an understatement.
    I didn't know he had a twin, either.

  2. I never appreciated Elvis when I was young. Today, as I listen to his voice (before singers used Effectrons and other techno devices to make their mediocre voices sound good), I realize how amazing he was!

  3. thanks so much for sharing this. We were in Memphis once, but Mr. Eva's knees wouldn't tolerate all that walking, so we missed the Graceland tour. I forwarded this to him...thanks for doing the walking for us.

  4. thanks so much for sharing this. We were in Memphis once, but Mr. Eva's knees wouldn't tolerate all that walking, so we missed the Graceland tour. I forwarded this to him...thanks for doing the walking for us.

  5. I would love to visit Graceland!

  6. We hope to go here this spring. It is on my to do list.
    Katie atBankerchick Scratchings

  7. Guilty of spending time in town but never went to Graceland. Some people thought I was crazy but it wasn't our reason for being there. And I had my yorkies with me.

  8. Very interesting. I wouldn't mind going there.

  9. That was a mansion for a poor boy from Tupelo.

    We were there when you could not go in. Paid to walk around the house.

  10. I had forgotten how young Elvis was when he died. He is only a few week's older than my sister, and she is still going strong. Sad life.

  11. My brother would be so jealous. I'd better not tell him...

  12. I was at Graceland about 12 years ago, the photos look the same as my memories.

    Thanks for checking out my AtoZ.
    AtoZ #42


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