
Monday, January 14, 2013

Dinner and a Movie

When I make a delicious tasting dinner I am very happy. But when it is an EASY, delicious tasty dinner, I am ecstatic.

I purchased two 6 oz salmon fillets from the fish counter at our local grocers. This is how I cooked them.

- Spray the broiler pan with vegetable oil (Pam)
- Place fillets on broiler pan
- Salt and pepper each fillet to taste

In a separate bowl, mix equal amounts of brown sugar and Dijon mustard. In this case, 2 Tablespoons of each. (If you have more salmon, increase the amount.)

Brush the glaze on the salmon. Put salmon in broiler for 10-15 minutes until the fish flakes with a fork.

This glaze is so tasty, and broiling the salmon makes all the difference in the world!

I don't know if you are a Brussels sprouts fan; if you are, here is a way to make them without piling on a lot of butter.

First I cleaned them, pulling off the first layer of leaves and cutting off the hard "root". Then I placed them in a pot of water, adding a good handful of salt AND a crushed garlic clove. I boiled the water until the sprouts were done (I could poke my fork through them) and they were still a dark green color. Drain them, place in bowl, and sprinkle lightly with salt.

I did NOT add ANY butter to them, but they TASTED like butter. It must have been the combination of garlic and salt. They almost melted in our mouths.

I also served some brown rice, which was kind of dull, compared to the two other dishes!

All in all, it was a fabulous meal. Jim and I kept moaning the whole time we were eating it! It was that good!

Coincidentally, later that evening we watched the movie, "Salmon Fishing in the Yemen".

Here is a clip for you:

This is a smart comedy featuring Emily Blunt and Ewan McGregor. I pretty much like any movie that Emily Blunt is in, and Ewan McGregor? Sigh! Easy on the eyes! Here he plays a fish expert from Scotland (love that brogue!) working in England. He is asked by the Prime Minister's press secretary, Emily Blunt, to help bring salmon to the Yemen on the request of a sheik.  McGregor's character thinks the idea is absurd and unachievable. He has no choice but to go along with the plan. Along the way he begins to take a good look at himself and his life and sees the need and benefit to go against the flow just like the salmon.

I think you will enjoy the movie.

I give it 3 1/2 out of 4 stars.


  1. it is a very enjoyable movie...correct me if i am wrong but its a true story isnt it? either way its a cool story and a good point as well in the end...T soaks the salmon in orange juice and something...cant remember...makes it really good...

  2. I'll keep an eye out for that movie!

  3. What a perfect evening! Love salmon and I'll try that recipe (that's my kind of cooking!)....

    We love brussels sprouts too. I rough-chop brussels sprouts and stir-fry them in a little olive oyl, let them caramalize just a little, add some minced garlic, stir a few more minutes, add a tiny splash of balsamic vinegar dressing (Paul Newman), just a few more minutes and voila! We love them...your way sounds great too and easier.

  4. Your dinner sounds delicious. I love Brussels sprouts without the butter but I think I'll give your version a try.

    Haven't seen this movie yet but it sounds good.

  5. I'll have to try all three!!! All three sound great! Thanks for sharing.

  6. That's the way I do sprouts... easy and quick. I'm not one for messing about when Will look out for that film, sounds good especially if, as Brian said, it is a true story.

  7. Today is grocery shopping day for me and salmon and brussel sprouts sound good. :)
    The movie was based on a novel by the same name but I do not believe it's based on a true story. McGregor is easy on the eyes. :)

  8. So, that movie was good? Now I am going to put it on my list of need to see!

  9. I love Salmon! Never thought of Dijon mustard on it.

    I don't like Brussels Sprouts, but someone gave me one, so I chopped it up and added it to my clam chowder. Delicious! You couldn't even tell it was in there.

  10. I'm adding this to the long list of movies I want to see..

  11. Brussels Sprouts - - - I LOVE them! I will try that way to cook them sometime.


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