
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Our Christmas Elf

Yesterday Jim and I ran out and did some errands, among them picking up some things for Christmas gifts. We stopped at a bookstore where I went absolutely crazy, and pointed out about a gazillion things I would like for Christmas. Then I told Jim that I would wait in the car. It's either this way OR purchasing the gifts myself (which I have also done this year and in years past). I DO make him wrap them, though.

Our next stop was an electronics store. We needed a few things, only one of which was a gift. The other items, like ink for our printer, were things for our office. The bill was going to be over $100.00.

There were two cashiers open and no one in line. Imagine that.

One young man stepped forward and said, "I can help you here."

We walked over and put our items on the counter.

I wasn't watching when he scanned each item; I was busy digging out my money.

He said, "That will be ....$62.35".

"What?" I looked up at him, looked over at Jim, then looked down at the items. Something was definitely wrong. I said just that.

"No, something is wrong here. You must be missing an item. Do you have all four items here?"

"Yes," he said, pulling the receipt up and checking. "Everything is on sale."

"Really?" I squealed. "Oh, that's great!"

He said, "Thank you for being so honest. Most people wouldn't have said anything."

I was so excited I don't remember exactly what I said next, but I do remember thanking the Lord. We all laughed and Jim and I practically skipped out of the store.

I was still in disbelief and I took out the receipt and studied it as we walked to the car.

And that's when I saw it.

The young man had given us his employee discount!

He saved us over $60!

Jim asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yes! Each item has the price, then it shows the employee discount amount, then the final amount."

We looked at each other in wonderment.

Could this be a mistake? Or just a random act of kindness?

We both laughed and Jim said, "Hurry up and get in the car!"

We jumped in the car and yelled, "Start the car! Start the car!"

Have you ever seen this commercial?

May a Christmas elf come your way, too!


  1. What a bonus! (I love that commercial! It is EXACTLY what I would do!)

  2. Love the commercial. It's a first for me. The only place I see Ikea is online.

    I think you did have an angel.

  3. Love the commercial! And I say it was a random act of kindness. You deserve it!

  4. I had a similar experience in Michael's the other day--buying picture frames and they rang up WAY LESS than I anticipated.

  5. that is awesome....what a cool guy to give you his discount...and def a merry christmas to it when people do good things like that...smiles.

  6. I do that to Papa ever since that commercial he just looks up to the heavens with a look of help in his eyes when I do that lol ! In our small farming towns around here the folk are very friendly and helpful that's why we enjoy shopping in the small towns in the country Ma & Pa stores and boutiques . We don't like the city or the stores and avoid them like the plague ! Have a good day !

  7. What a guy; this story warms the heart, Pat. Wish I could find a Christmas Elf..grins.

  8. what a great unexpected blessing! how sweet of him to do that for you. i hope you enjoy your gifts that you helped pick out. lol! merry christmas to you and jim!

  9. Love the commercial, and I love the young man who gave you his discount. You didn't mention the store's name, but I know there are companies that allow their employees so much to give away each week. It's just a good way of doing business. Glad you were the recipient.

  10. Certainly your elf is cute like the one's straight from fairy tale stories.
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