
Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thursday's Things in a Row

Here is the LAST "Things in a row" group of photos. Enjoy!

Taken at the Art Institute of Chicago.

Large bell (about 18 - 20 inches high)

chess set

Indian painting with feathers

Full Indian headdress

Painting on buffalo skin

Tribal masks

Twined Basketry Bowl


The Grand Staircase in the back of the museum. (Not sure if it was open to the public.)
Cute umbrellas in the gift shop

Okay folks. That about wraps up "Thursday's Things in a Row". I know I have tons of photos I haven't shown yet, but I needed a change. Thanks for playing along with me. Do you have anything you want to contribute for the last time to this meme?


  1. your pictures are wonderful as usual. I LOVE that chess board!

  2. Great photos, Pat. I'd love to visit that museum. Thank you for hosting the Things in A Row meme. It has been fun.

  3. I love those kitty cat umbrellas!
    You found some great things in a row at the museum Pat.

    I am really going to miss this meme Pat, thanks for hosting it.

  4. smiles...i like the simplicity of the rocks under the staircase....and the indian art, that is very cool...

  5. I like the look of that staircase but I wouldn't fancy climbing it. The Indian headdress is impressive.

  6. Those were some really unique photos!!

  7. Pat, first of all.....I love the background of your blog! I have enjoyed ALL your pictures. This post has interesting photos.Can't wait to see what you have next....

  8. Hi Pat, I like your pictures of row things, as usual. My favorite is the childrens' umbrellas. Don't ask me why.

    I will miss your lovely meme too. Too bad I found it sooo late. It would be nice if someone would step up and take over doing it. Or have you had second thoughts?
    Last night doing this post Blogger told me that I had used all of my 1024 mb (1 GB) quota for pictures. They kindly offered me more if I would pay a monthly fee.

    Or I could sell my soul to Google+ and the quota would be waived if my picture sizes weren't too large.

    So I sold my soul for a few pounds.

  9. Wonderful row shots! Once again I tried to link up, but it won't let me. =( I will miss rows! Hope you do a new memme?


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