
Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday's Things in a Row

What better theme than HALLOWEEN for today? A walk through the local Dollar Store and "Shazam!" Things in a row by the dozens!

Halloween really isn't my favorite holiday, but who could resist all that candy? Tootsie roll is one of my FAVORITE. Heck, anything covered in chocolate is pretty good. Within reason. And if it isn't a bug.

What is this supposed to be - bloody skull man?

Cheap cups - nice enough giveaway gift for a kids party.

Bloody foot - not sure why one would need a bloody foot. For decoration perhaps?

Of course, then there's the dozen eyeballs. Can't go wrong with that. I could understand 2, but 12? (Really, can't understand ANY, but hey...)

Actually, this isn't a bad idea. Little lanterns for the kids to carry as they go trick or treating in the dark. Although I'm assuming the parents are with them.

And finally, not a bad idea to give away pencils instead of candy - (especially if you are a dentist). Although you take the risk of kids "egging" your house since they really wanted candy!


I have decided to cancel "Things in a Row" after November 1, 2012. So NEXT WEEK will be the last week. (So if you've been holding pictures of things in a row, now is the time to jump in.) I feel that this meme has run its course and the number of people participating has dwindled. Thank you all for participating.

But don't go so soon! What have you got this week?


  1. Well, Pat, having come late, I really do hate to see it go. I like your blog but 'Things in a Row' is mostly aways the reason I come to visit you.

    I like your halloween things in a row. I have been taking pictures for it seems a month now waitng for my post next week.

    There are three pumpkins in a 'bent' row back home (we are still gone) on mine today. Our three-year-old granddaughter, Mrs. Jim, and I have enjoyed looking at all the Halloween decorations in the store windows here on the St Johns Wood (London, UK) High Street.

  2. Since Mr. Linky has gone, I should leave my "Things in a Row" link:
    Jim's "Things in a Row" posts.

  3. haha i like all the eyeballs...that is a rather gruesome but non descript mask...dunno who it is supposed to be....oy my tummy hurts just looking at the candy aisle...smiles.

  4. I love your rows and this holiday.

    What shall I do with my rows now???

    I will still be here. Maybe I can line you out instead of line things up.

  5. Those eyeballs would be great floating in a punch bowl at a party.

  6. dollar tree has great halloween stuff

  7. Great theme this week! And, soon we will have the little goblins all lined up in a row to get all of those treats. :) Nice!

  8. I think i have all that stuff from the dollar store...even the bloody plastic foot. and 3 bags of tootsie rolls.
    tonight is trick or treat night here in central Pa.
    have a great evening!

  9. I love Dollar Tree! If you were having a party all of these would make excellent decor.
    I usually make bags for the five neighbor kids. They are all I ever have. I'm thinking I'll run by and see if I can find some cups. Thanks for the idea.

  10. sad to see it go. You always have such a great eye for rows....

  11. Pencils? Without candy? Toilet paper in the trees, for sure.

  12. Happy Halloween! The stores are fun this time of year!

  13. Great finds for Halloween.

    Seeing the foot reminded me of a fellow I knew years ago who wore an artificial leg. At Halloween time, he would take his "old" leg prosthesis that he no longer wore, put a pant leg on it and a bit of red paint/fake blood on the foot portion, and attached it to his car, hanging from the trunk. Definitely got a lot of second looks!

  14. I LOVE the pumpkin patch on your header, freaking love it!

  15. What timing - - I figured I might have time to join this meme since retirement is around the corner - - - but the great news is you got me to look at things in a different way when I take pictures!


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