
Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday's Things in a Row

Last weekend my daughter and her family came up to see us so that we could all go to the Autumn Festival at the nearby Nature Preserve center. They had many activities planned, which I will write about in another post. I did happen to see many things in a row, which I am happy to share with you!

This white picket fence surrounded one of the houses that we walked through to see various demonstrations.

In the kitchen I found lots of interesting things like these cast iron pans hanging so nicely in a row on the wall!

I really liked this corner piece with the different size shelves. Is it an antique I wonder?

Now THIS is cool!

These wooden boxes were on a shelf in the kitchen. I am assuming they were for some kind of food storage?

The old brick sidewalk that led to the storm/root cellar.

Meat hanging in the smokehouse. Believe it or not, we weren't sure whether it was real or not! It smelled like a smokehouse! But the meat looked kind of fake. We did NOT want to touch it. Besides, wouldn't that be totally unsanitary? Although next month they ARE having a hog butchering event and making sausage; then smoking the meat. So this MUST be a real smokehouse. The meat hanging there now? It's anyone's guess!

What rows do you have this week - real or fake?


  1. Good selection of rows in your photos, Pat. Hope things are going well for you.
    Thanks for hosting!

  2. cool...o like brick pathes....hard to keep up but i like them...we have them in the back yard....and love me some cast iron skillet too...

  3. Excellent shots of rows. :) This is fun!

  4. that egg holder is way cool, way cool :)

  5. Lots of things in a row. I think my favourite is the frying pans!

  6. Good morning Pat ~~ I like your things in a Row. Museums, old homes, and antique stores have a lot of neat things in a row.

    My favorite will be you egg holder. Those must be wooden duck eggs? Neat.

  7. Mr. Linky is cranky today. He won't publish my link.

  8. Love repeating images and you are so good at finding them!

  9. Can't stop wondering about the meat in the smoke house. How many people go through that smoke house? How many people touch the "meat"? If it is fake, who cares? If it is real, who's going to eat it?
    I have been told that I wonder too much.

  10. Pat, good post today....I like going places with the picket fence, [ people today have products that look like wood!]

  11. I really love the fence and the walkway

  12. You struck gold! All those things in a row!

  13. Great rows. Love the cast iron pans!

    I can't post my link. I get a message that tells me my URL is too long, can't be more than 100 characters and mine is because of the title of my blog. But I did post this week so if you get time sneak over for a visit.

  14. hmmmm - - - I don't think about things in a row but you have guided me to linear thinking so I may have to do this sometime. Will start a collection of pics so I can participate sometime.

  15. A great way to get a fence that offers seclusion and does not need a lot of care is by installing a vinyl fence.

    Vinyl Fences


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