
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Signs - Feeling Crabby

At first glance, women would get pretty insulted at the sign hanging on the women's bathroom door:

But not to worry, ladies, because here's the sign on the men's bathroom door:

(I was a little shy and stood a distance away to take the photo. Didn't want to stand DIRECTLY in front of the door and shoot, for fear a man would open the door and I'd catch someone in an, um, unflattering position!)

You may have guessed that I was at a seafood restaurant. They serve the BIGGEST crab legs I have ever seen. If you are feeling daring, you could wear this shirt that is available in the gift shop.

For more signs, visit Lesley here.


  1. You are fun! I am not a seafood lover [ yeh, I am from Maine, lobsters]That would be interesting, at the least!!

  2. I like how they tied it in to the restaurant.
    I wouldn't be that daring but the shirt makes me smile.

  3. Oh, my. Funny in the restaurant, but perhaps not so funny outside the restaurant. ;)

  4. Just found your blog, I like it, it's fun. I will enjoy following you.

  5. they have a creme for that...

    but i like mine with butter...


  6. a million I got crabs jokes leap to mind :)

    fun post

  7. Great signs and I like Brian's comment above! LOL!

  8. OMG not the kind of sign to see on a ladies room!

  9. I love that you find humor in everyday stuff! So glad that you are having fun to share with us.

  10. I swear your sense of humor draws you to these places that most of us would never see! Very funny. OMG that shirt is a hoot.
    Continue to bring us joy. Smiling, Barb
    And always carry that camera.

  11. Hehehehhe these signs made me laugh!! ^_^

    Kim, USA

  12. I think I would pass on the shirt, but am glad of the offer!

  13. I was wondering about that first sign, but glad to see the restaurant is an equal opportunity fun-maker-ofer. :) Funny signs!

  14. Funny is many times all around us. That's why I love my cell phone camera!


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