
Sunday, September 23, 2012

Dancing like Psy

So the other morning Jim says to me, "That Psy guy is going to be on the Today show!"

 "What are you talking about?" I said.

 "YOU'VE never heard of him?" Jim asked, the look on his face saying it all.

 Okay folks. I HATE when Jim thinks he is cooler than me, when EVERYONE knows that I am WAY cooler than him! REALLY I am! But I had no clue what he was talking about. Apparently this guy named Psy, who is a Korean rapper, and has been around for 10 years  is finally making it big everywhere because of this crazy song and dance.

Here is his appearance on the Today Show (a morning talk/news program in the States).

It is worth watching the whole video even though the song is in Korean just so you can see the dance. There are a few phrases in English like, "Ooooh, Sexy Lady", and "Gangnam Style".

It is kind of catchy, no?

In fact, watch some Navy boys get in the action!

The other night my son and his girlfriend came over for dinner. I told them about the Psy dance and THEY had no idea what I was talking about. (Take THAT, husband!)

I quick got my laptop and showed them the video.

Then I tried to do some of the dance steps.


First let me preface this by saying that I never was nor ever will be a graceful person. You know that saying, "White people can't dance?" Who do you think it was based on?

Uh, yeah.

Anyway, I did my best to try to do the "cowboy" or "ride a horse" or whatever the heck that part of the dance was called.

Reena, my son's girlfriend, did her best not to fall on the floor laughing.

She was even so kind as to say, "You almost got it, Pat!"

Liar, liar, pants on fire!

What do they call that when a song gets stuck in your brain? And earworm?

Well, the next morning I awoke with the earworm of "Gangnam Style" and decided to try a few dance steps in the shower. I got the hand movement down. Cross your wrists and bend them loosely. Done. Now bend your legs like they are bowed and hop. Hop, woops! I slipped and then my brained kicked in.

"Just what the heck do you think you are doing?" I asked myself.

I could just imagine having to call the paramedics because I broke a hip, ankle or arm from slipping in the shower.

"Could you describe what happened," a serious looking EMT would ask me.

"Um, yeah, I was trying to do it 'Gangnam Style'", I'd answer sheepishly.

One of two things would happen at this point.

If he had no idea what I was talking about, he'd look at Jim with new respect in his eyes and think, "Man, the old man still has it!"


If he KNEW what I was talking about, he'd think, "You've GOT to be kidding me, lady. That ship has sailed a long, long time ago. Maybe even with the Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria!"

Young whippersnappers. They piss me the hell off.

Wait a minute. The second half didn't even happen. Geez. I'm getting mad for nothing.

Okay. Never mind!

This isn't me. But it COULD be! Enjoy!


  1. I'm speechless, Pat, and worn out from

  2. I love this guy. What an impact world wide.


  3. what! why is their no video of your dancing? smiles.

    i chaperoned homecoming the other night and after watching them dance, i am surely old...ha.

  4. Ok, I must not be very cool either, I have never heard of him or the dance, but i do know what the today show ;)

  5. What an excellent use of the shower chair! LOL

    I had totally never heard of that guy. You are right, though. It does kind of stick in your head and make you want to get it out with an ice pick! LOL

  6. I saw him on Ellen! I think he's awesome, and sexy! I missed him in the morning show, so I'm glad you posted the video! Loved Al Roker gettin' down!!!

    I had posted the Navy Midshipmen on my blog last week. Love that video too!

  7. I saw him on Ellen! I think he's awesome, and sexy! I missed him in the morning show, so I'm glad you posted the video! Loved Al Roker gettin' down!!!

    I had posted the Navy Midshipmen on my blog last week. Love that video too!

  8. Oh, dear. And in the kitchen of all places!

  9. Thanks for the news, Pat. (I'd never heard of him either.)
    And i'm also lovin' Aunt Carol in the kitchen. Inspirational.

  10. Never heard of him...
    The dance is well, something else. :) His jacket almost put my eyes out.
    Aunt Carol cracked me up!!!

  11. What a hoot and thanks for the visuals of you in the shower. Very funny.

  12. That dance is so strange to me. It's weird what catches on in America.

  13. Even the Navy guys look silly, there's not much hope for the dance routine! :) Danica Martin

  14. I so look forward to this new dance craze taking over the courtyard at VVV LOL!!!! (Can't you just see Lou and Margaret leading the way??)


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