
Saturday, August 18, 2012

My week at the cabin

I spent last week at this little cabin:

And yes, it's true that all the floors were slanted, and the water smelled like blood, because it was well water, and the curtains didn't match.....but all that didn't matter because THIS was our view from our little living room:

We took time to cuddle with loved ones:

Dave (son-in-law) with Lily (granddaughter)
Cora (niece) with Lily, and dolly

There was quiet time, just reading books....

Lily with her Mommy, my daughter Jessica
or catching up on e-mail:

and relaxing time.

Lily with her beloved George the bear.

Outside activities included:

blowing bubbles

paddle boats

searching for the perfect rock

sitting on the beach

splashing water at a cousin

Of course we had a fire at night. And many a s'more was eaten. Jim makes THE BEST roasted marshmallow EVER.  Just saying.

But mostly, we just sat around, ate, drank (not always booze, either!) and caught up with everybody's news.

Jim has 6 brothers and 1 sister. Two brothers did not make it to the reunion. I'm sorry I didn't get Jim's sister, Mary Jane, in this photo. Here are 5 of the boys, Jim being the second on the left of course!

We STILL had 38 people attend. These are just immediate families. And babies? Lots and lots of babies. The youngest was Emerson, less than a month old, then came Reid, 4 months, Kira, 1 year, twins Abi and Bri 2 1/2 years, and Lily 3 1/2. Six kids under 4? Yowzer! But it was fun!

The motley crew!

photo credit: Mary Jane, sister-in-law


  1. Oooh Pat, I can imagine you all had a wonderful time in those idyllic surroundings. The view from the cabin is delightful.

  2. wonderful looking family....would love to go to a cabin...i want one to retire in eventually...wonderful

  3. What a wonderful family. You are so blessed.

    Have a wonderful day

  4. Oh, Pat - - what a BEAUTIFUL place on the lake. I love swimming in a nice lake. Your description and pics are so reminiscent of family reunions on my grandfather's side. It felt like our family years ago. I was so happy to see Lily. It's been a while. She is adorable and getting prettier every day!

  5. I love family reunions! Look like yours was a good one! Lily is getting so big!!! Glad you had a good week!

  6. And that's what it's all about. The love and the family and the photos and the warm hearts and lovely memories.

    I needed that reminder today. :)

  7. Oh WOW! How wonderful! Life is good. Thanks for sharing -- all the pics are fun, but the one of Lily with the pink blankie is just heartstoppingly beautiful. What a great time for everybody.

  8. Hi Pat!
    Looks like a great place to stay, and hangin out w/ family is always a plus. What a large group! Hope you are enjoying "life off the road."
    And p.s- yes, I always let someone know my itinerary when i'm out & about :)

  9. Looks like it was an Awesome gathering and an Excellent place to have it, Pat!

  10. What fun!!Lily is so cute! The cabin reminds me of our cabin in Wisconsin. On a lake with our very own dock for my jet ski lift. Sold it all and invested in the campground ...... sniff.

  11. Looks like you had a good time. Catching up its been a busy summer. I didn't know you had moved into a condo. How are you liking it after being on the road for seven years?

  12. What a wonderful place to get together.

    I have to mention you should say "bad well water" because most wells are super delicious.

  13. Honey, your post made me feel relaxed as I looked at the photos--what a swell thing to have that place and those people in your life!

  14. I want to spend my vacation in a place like this with family. The place was so beautiful! :)

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