
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Thursday's Things in a Row

Today we are visiting a little park just 2 miles straight down the road from me. It's called Volkening Lake. It offers both a walking and bicycle trail, has a picnic shelter, a garden area, and best of all, a large lake that you can take out rented paddleboats or canoes.

If the weather was more agreeable, (read - not so freakin' hot), I wouldn't mind sitting on one of these benches and smell the wonderful fragrances of the nearby flowers, or gaze at the lake.

The bricks are piled nicely in a row, with larger ones on top to make excellent seats.

The retaining wall along the lake has grooves that go in and out all around the edge. I like the reflection of the trees. You can see how dry the grass looks from lack of rain.

The life jackets are at the ready

 in case anyone wants to indulge in

or this:

But before they do any of those things, they have to be sure that they park their bikes here.

Have you ventured out in this heat to get any photos of things in a row?


  1. I like your Things in a Row, Pat. It looks very inviting and perhaps cooling just having that water there.

    Our grass was that color last year because of our drought. Someplaces it was blackened by the forestfires that also burned the dry grass.

    Best picture for my eyes? Probably the benches all place around on the sidewalk.

  2. oo i wanna go boating...that looks like a pretty cool park....

  3. At the first sign of sun between chill winds and rain I have ventured out! So love your water views with all those rows hanging round!

  4. Nice series of shots, Pat!

    Thanks for hosting.

  5. as always your eye is spot on. It all looks so peaceful.

  6. What a pretty little park and filled with lots of rows too!

  7. Pat, taking a picture(s) outside right now is just not pleasing, its been storming for about 2 weeks. Every time I say I am going to the pool it rains. I quit saying it. lol

    Your picture however are just wonderful. Love it.

  8. The closest I've come to being outside is looking at your pictures! It's too hot!

  9. Looks like a nice place to hang out. I know what you mean about the heat though.

  10. Too freakin hot is right! Got out yesterday to deliver meals on wheels with my dad. Weather was 105 degrees and really humid so felt much much worse! Miserable and so glad to get back home to collapse in front of the fan! On the good side, found some fresh corn on the cob which we had for supper with fresh tomatoes and some cottage cheese. Yummmmm...

    Great rows! That water just made me feel better...

  11. That is a beautiful park and you captured it so well!

  12. Looks like you live in a nice neighborhood!

    Thank you so much for all of your support over the years!


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