
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Thursday's Things in a Row

My neighbor told me about this cool store called Garden Ridge. The store is only about 5 minutes from my home. My sister and I walked through it briefly because we didn't have a lot of time. They have a plethora of items, some practical, some whimsical, some odd, some unpractical, but ALL cool!

Are you waiting for your knight in shining armor? Wait no more, m'lady! You can buy one here, cheap!

If you're happy and you know it, flip your eggs! With your happy fllipper, of course!

Do you miss the ole homestead where you grew up? Want to add a little bit of "home" into your humble abode? I couldn't help but think of Gail At The Farm when I saw these.

They really aren't "crappers", but bookshelves with doors. A novel idea, yes?

Oh to be young and hip, have you're own apartment, fill it with cool items like these high heel CHAIRS. Who am I kidding, just using the WORD "hip" shows how old I am!

Please pass the salt! An array of salts : Mediterranean Sea Salt and Himalayan Pink Salt. Say what? Does it turn the food pink? Anyone cook with that one?

Bamboo salad "hands". Solution to when our mothers used to say, "I only have two hands!"

My list of contributors is dropping. Are you people not seeing rows anymore or what?


  1. Just think how many damsels in distress could be saved by all those brave knights! The outhouse bookshelves are just too cute.

    I'm not sure about everyone else but summer has been keeping me hopping. But I was determined to sign in tonight.

  2. Never heard of pink salt before. Had to laugh when I saw the shoe chairs. Wonder if they're comfortable. I must admit I wouldn't fancy one of those knights in my garden, frighten me to death on a dark night...grins.

  3. lol on the out houses...too funny....i had one for a year right out of college...

  4. Did you think of me on the outhouse because I'm primitive or because I am full of s###?

    I would absolutely love this store!!!

    Fantastic rows, I want one of everything.

  5. I don't know which I like more--the outhouse bookcases, or the high heel chairs!

  6. Not sure what you mean by rows... but I love those knights in silver armour. I just don't understand back in medieval times, were they really that tiny? Tiny skinny skeletal men?

  7. D-oh, I got the rows now! I didn't realize it before, LOL, sorry!

  8. Had never thought there are more than just pretty maids in a row. Outhouse in the house? Hilarious!


  9. I like Garden Ridge Pottery stores. Ours burned about a year ago, I don't know if they will rebuild or not.

    Not to worry though, there are six others in the Houston, Texas, area for us to visit.

    BTW, Mrs. Jim and I bought the making for these, our party costumes:
    Mrs. Jim and Jim's lamp party costumes
    (I am not sure if we got the shirts there or from another place.)

  10. What a crazy store! That's some strange merchandise--fake outhouses and knight armour!

  11. Geez where is that shop located. I would love to window shop there the whole day. lol

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