
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thursday's Things in a Row

Two weeks ago Jim and I went out to dinner with my sister and her friend to a restaurant that makes its own wine. (This was the restaurant where we lost our car.) There was a cool gift shop which we browsed through after eating a delicious meal. Luckily I had my handy dandy point and shoot camera in my purse, for I saw lots of things in a row here! For instance....

Wine bottles....lots and lots of wine bottles!

Of course, where there's wine bottles, there's a good chance there's wine barrels. Yep. Saw them too!

Actually, if you look closely, it looks like I hit the mother lode in that photo! Not only are there rows of barrels, but also lights, wine bottles, and bricks!

How about "thongs" in a row? Oh, settle down all you dirty old men! I'm talking "flip-flops". (Growing up we called them thongs!) Now I'm not talking ordinary flip-flops.

These here are for your WINE glasses. Seriously! Here. Let me show you.

Yeah. Okay. It's a coaster for your wine glass. It's cute but seriously? As soon as you lift the glass up, that stupid thing is going to fall off. Then every single time you put your glass down, you are going to have to "slip" the two bands over the "foot" of the glass. I don't know about YOU, but after I've had a couple glasses of wine, I can barely slip a flip-flop between my TOES let alone my wine glass. I don't think this would be a big hit at a party.

Here is a nice display of wine glasses. You can see the different prices of each.

The second from the right is a "flight" glass. Not used when taking a flight (well, then again maybe it is), but used when having a "flight" of wine, meaning several wines to compliment each course of your meal. Jim and I did this once at a fancy restaurant. We each had 6 or 7 wine glasses fanned out above our plates. I thought, "Geez, we are going to get snockered!" But in fact, they only give you about a half a glass with each serving and the meal is spread out over a couple of hours.

Here's a row of fancy, painted wine glasses. I had one of these that I took to all those parties in Arizona. Mine was made of very thin glass and broke. It was a sad day in my life......but I digress!

How about these beautiful wine stoppers? They are quite nice, although leftover wine in THIS house is really a rarity! *wink*

These t-shirts in a row caught my eye:

And here's what they say:

These aren't in a row (are two considered a row?), but I had to throw them in this week because they were so cute AND funny. Cute and chic way to display wine.

Quit your "wining"! It's your turn next!


  1. I'm also here this week, what a fun meme!

  2. Wow Pat, you hit the mother-lode of things in a row at this place. Those flip flop coaster are cute but not very practical. I would spill the wine on the second try to get it back under those straps. That tee shirt is too cute.

  3. Wine a little, you'll feel better... that's the perfect remedy. I never heard of a flight of wine before. Great pictures, Pat.

  4. There's nothing too wine about your photos. Entertaining post Pat.

  5. Your rows are as cool off the road as they were on. Amazing. Beautiful. Creative.

  6. Good captures all of them, Pat! Looks like a great restaurant and shop.

    Thanks for hosting!

  7. Love the t-shirt! I am looking for a wine rack of sorts to hold all the flavors for snow-cones. Like I have time to drink wine!

  8. Well, Pat, this was a Mother Lode you found here, lots of good things for Things in a Row that night.

    Question? How was the food?

    I'll be back with a post sometime today (I think). I almost had two only for one row. You are NEAT with that one! LOL

  9. I love that "wine a little; you'll feel better". It works for me!

  10. Now these are my kind of rows!

  11. i love the old wooden casks...would not mind having a few to use as decor...or just feel their texture and smell...

  12. I'd love to try their wines, but I'll skip the gift shop. I already have plenty of coasters and wine charms... and generally things you don't really need! :)

  13. You found so many fun things to photograph.

  14. very cool pictures! love the wine displays.

  15. I like the flip flops - nice for a summer deck party.
    The wine display shoes are elegant and if I was a single women I'd want those! :)

    Looks like the change of living arrangements is going well. I'm sure it's nice to spend so much time with family too.


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