
Monday, April 23, 2012

Posted Here - A Contest!

My son-in-law, Dave, teaches history at a middle school near his home. He has a terrific personality, does many impersonations, LOVES history, and just makes learning fun. He drives a beat up old blue Ford pick-up (nicknamed "CHUNK") that he's had since high school.

At the end of the school day last week, this is how he found his car.......covered in "post-it" notes!

Dave is also the soccer coach of the junior varsity girls at the local high school. A bunch of them took advantage of the early dismissal day and came by the middle school to "decorate" his car.

Here is what I am going to do. I am going to have a contest. Guess how many post-it notes it took to cover Dave's pick up truck? The person who comes the closest without going over will win a $20 gift certificate to Amazon. If by chance there is a tie, I will have my husband draw the name.

If this helps, it took 2 adults and 3 sixth graders almost a half hour to remove all the notes. Get your guess in by midnight Thursday 4/26, winner to be announced on Saturday, 4/28.

Happy guessing!


1) Only one guess per person
2) You must be a follower of this blog


(This is my first contest. Please be patient! *wink*)


  1. No guess.
    But, it sounds like he has the job I would LOVE to have. I read history books for fun and like to write history. HINT: On April 27th, I write about Xerxes. Of course, it will be a slightly slanted version of Xerxes.
    I also coached a soccer team.
    How about that?

  2. Oh I will guess 1250 as that looks like a lot. Clever prank

  3. My guess is 1,999. I cannot imagine taking the time to do that - - - but a bunch of people covering it would probably be fun. They must really appreciate him to have such fun doing that.

  4. 1052

    haha what a cool did he keep them all?

  5. Oh my, Pat, what a prank. It must have taken simply ages to cover the whole vehicle. Hope it didn't make a mess of the paintwork.

  6. I'm going to guess 1300. What fun!

    (Sorry for yellin', but i'm *really* impressed! My oldest daughter would *LOVE* to see that [and/or *Do* that] in person!)
    If i was any good at math, i could figure it out...
    But i'm NOT! so...

    FRIKKIN' Awesome!

  8. ...wait. Are you tellin' me they *counted* them as they were taking them off the truck?!

    ... or maybe they "interrogated" the "Guilty Parties" and found out that way...

    AWESOME act of Vandalism/Appreciation, Pat. Thanks for sharing. =-)

  9. Hmmm...I'm not the greatest with guessing games. But I'll guess...1000?

  10. I'm guessing about 2500???
    I have to give the students credit for being so precise when covering the truck, and for using something relatively easy to clean up, but I'm sure glad it didn't happen to our small town football coach!!! lol

  11. This is just hilarious! What fun the kids are! He must be a great teacher for sure! :)


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