
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Signs - Arizona Centennial

This year is the 100th anniversary of Arizona's Statehood. Here is a photo of the new state sign at all the borders welcoming everyone to the state of Arizona. Also the centennial sign is posted throughout the state.

(photo courtesy of the internet)

To see more signs, please visit Lesley here.


  1. Happy anniversary -- to one of our newest states ;>)

  2. i can say i also have captured this sign, but not with that gorgeous sky in the background.

  3. pretty cool sign..i like the burst, colorful...did not realize it was the 100 year aniversary...

  4. Wish we could have been there for the festivities.

  5. that's great! i didn't realize it was 100th anniversary.

  6. This is a colourful sign - what did the old one look like?

  7. Happy anniversary Arizona known for its town of dark skys for all the Astronamers! Have a great day !

  8. That's a vibrant sign, I like it!
    Loved visiting Arizona, the scenery was spectacular and the people fantastic!

  9. Hmmm, let me check my trip from last year, I know I took some signs of States that we visit. I do not remember to see this bright colored one.

    Happy Anniversary AZ!

  10. Hmmm... I could say something about Arizona's ability to "welcome"...

    But I do like the sign! Very bright and cheery. It's nice to do something special for the anniversary.

  11. A bright and beautiful sign! Love the distinctive, creative graphics!

  12. I love the welcome signs traveling thru states. Also love the "thanks for visiting," as you leave. I was just in your grand state for a brief visit over the weekend. :)
    Haven't had much time for visiting blogs lately, but do think of you & hope all is well, Pat!


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