
Monday, February 6, 2012

Scouting Around Scottsdale

I did a couple of posts last week about Scottsdale: when I ate at Le Cordon Bleu Culinary Institute and when we visited the Scottsdale Museum of Modern Art. After the museum exhibit, we took a short walk around the area and just skimmed the surface of Old Town Scottsdale. Here are just some of the sights we saw.

This is Los Olivos Mexican Restaurant which is located right across from the museum. We didn't eat there, but it sure looked interesting from the outside! Doesn't that huge statue just beckon to you?

One of the many horse statues around the area.

Here's another one.

Sometimes I come across a scene or a setting and it makes me wish I could paint. This is one of them.

Another horse, this time carved, and another beautiful setting.

I loved the juxtaposition of this dark bronze monument against the stark white curved building. The statues are in honor of Chaplain Winfred Scott, the founder of Scottsdale, his wife Helen, and his Army mule "Old Maud".

I sat on a nearby bench while Jim toured the Scottsdale Historical Society Museum, which was originally the Little Red Schoolhouse. While I was waiting, I watched this Grandpa playing with his young grandchild. I discreetly took a photo.

I also liked the way the sunlight was reflecting off of the statue of the Scott's.

Jim and I walked along the path that led behind and between buildings and we eventually came upon a large area with several sculptures. One area had a beautiful garden seating area. One kind of the flowers was so sweet smelling. Hard to believe it was still January!

The little fountain in the center of the garden area had several oranges floating in the water.

And I'm sure your first thought was the same as mine...."Now who would do such a thing like that?" The answer? Probably Mother Nature! I spied these two orange trees right near the pond. The oranges probably fell off the tree and rolled down the hill into the water. Of course, someone COULD have thrown them in, but I like the think it happened the first way. :)

Close up of flowering kale (cabbage):

Sculpture of Mayor Herb Drinkwater and his dog Sadie:

Not sure what this is. Does it resemble a horse to you?

This is a beautiful sculpture of a Native American.

This looked like a neat place to eat. I'll have to put this on my list of restaurants!

There are free trolley rides available, but if you want to ride in STYLE, you can always hire a horse-drawn carriage.

I hope you enjoyed my tiny tour of Scottsdale. There is so much more to see, and I hope to get back there in the not too distant future!


  1. Beautiful pictures!

    I love the one where the Grandpa is playing with his grandchild. Too cute.

  2. oh wow that indian one is all the art you captured...very cool place....

  3. What a wonderful tour, thanks for taking us along Pat. I love all of the statues. The statue in the forth photo from the bottom looks like a horse to me. In fact when I saw it Don Quixote came to mind.

  4. Beautiful pictures - looks very clean too. Love the indian sculpure - gorgeous

  5. Love all the pictures, Pat. America seems to go in for horse statues. Highly decorated, some of them.

  6. Oh, but you do paint, Pat. You use your words and your camera and share your world that many of us could never see without your art. Thank you.

  7. I love taking trips with you! They are always so interesting!

  8. Great post, I think I will put this on my bucket list for whenever we get out that way again. Wonderful photos!

  9. I like the 'artsy' feel of the town. So much to see and it looks so clean and manicured.
    The oranges in the fountain added a little bit of whimsy. :)

  10. Great series of photos of Scottsdale and some amazing sculptures you have captured, Pat! I enjoyed the tour!

  11. Wow! I want to go there now! How far are you from Scottsdale?

    That sculpture does indeed look like a horse to me--kind of as if it was a painting and the water was making the top of the horse run down the canvas towards the legs which weren't in the fountain spray.

    Those are great shots!

  12. I visited Scottsdale a couple of times years ago when my son lived there. You showed me a few places I missed. I did stay at a plce called the Legacy and another time at the Fairmont Scottsdale Princess.

  13. Love the second horse sculpture. Never been there, but when you're an artist you know about the art community in Scottsdale, AZ - something on my bucket list!


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