
Monday, January 9, 2012

Laughter is the BEST Medicine!

When I was home for the holidays, I visited my 83-year-old aunt a few times who was in the hospital. She had fallen in her apartment and cracked her pelvis and wrist. (She's doing good now and is out of the hospital.)

During one of my visits, children from a nearby school came to the hospital and sang Christmas carols. Although they sang at the other end of the corridor, their voices carried and they sounded like little angels. My sister and I, along with my aunt, and my cousin, were sitting in a small lounge area, when the little children came in bearing home-made get well cards. They started handing them out to ALL of us, when someone said, "WE'RE not sick, SHE is!" and pointed to my aunt. She received about 10 cards, each one cuter than the next.

I had to take pictures of them and share them with you.

They were THAT darn cute!

I was so impressed with their artistic ability. I'm guessing these kids were in third or fourth grade.

I love the "layered" look, the blue snowflakes, the use of pinking shears to cut out the tree!

Truthfully, this is equal to MY artistic ability. Fact. But I still think it is cute.

Look at the detail in the exclamation point. Is that a "bow" on the dot?

Inside the card this child shows off more artistic talent. Look at the detail in the ornament hook!

On the green card - that kid prints fancier than me! I LOVE the moon on the card to the right!

Love the message, "Dear Person"!

This is one of my favorites. Doesn't this look like an old-fashioned Santa Claus? (maybe doing a disco dance?)

Does this just break your heart or what?

This card made me laugh! "I hope you get out soon!" As if the person were in prison! Ha ha!

I saved the BEST for last. This little girl put a lot of detail in the picture. The little girl has a "bubble" by her mouth that reads "good luck". She REALLY pours her heart out in the card!

It's hard to read the card. She wrote, "Dear Friend, I really hope you feel better. I know you're strong and tough and you will recover. Don't lose hope!" Then she wrote with a red crayon on the red paper and it gets REALLY difficult to read. We had a hard time reading it IN PERSON. It said something about "Even though I don't know you, I will still pray for you. God works miracles. Happy Holidays. Sincerely Mailah"  This is pretty deep for an 8-10 year old, don't you think?

I hope you enjoyed these as much as I did!


  1. Oh they are wonderful ! Glad to hear your Aunt is doing better ! Have a good day !

  2. You can keep your iPads.
    Those are the best Christmas presents!
    But, since you got me that iPad, you may as well leave it......

  3. those are adorable! i love it when kids get involved like that.

    the day care center took some of the little ones out and about to sing caroles during Christmas week. they came to the Villa and sang behind the buildings (standing out on the side walks). Ron said it was so cute to watch them.

  4. awww these are awesome!!! how cool of the kids....haha....dear person..smiles.

  5. Those are adorable! thanks for sharing!

  6. Gifts from little angels indeed!

  7. Those are really precious. It is true Christmas sentiment - - gifts from the heart and time spent to deliver them. It is art and words definitely worth preserving.

  8. What wonderful cheer and hope children can bring.

  9. So sweet. Seeing things like that on a daily basis is one reason I just love working with kids. I really think I have the best job in the world.

  10. Super! Love them all ,how sweet of those kiddies! The last one is really the best, love the one that says "hope you get out" haha!
    Glad your aunt is better now.

  11. All of the cards are so sweet. You can tell that some of the kids really got into the spirit of the project. The one from Mailah is just amazing for that age.

    I'm glad to hear your aunt is feeling better.

  12. You do my heart so much good. Every inch of me is smiling. Kids just blow me away. The cards and what you pointed out in each one are very special. My husband teaches 4th grade, and some of the stories he tells me!

  13. I had a wave of emotions as I read these cards. Wonderful. Kids are so inspiring. I was once in hospital over Christmas and I remember the carols sung on Christmas Eve by a group of nurses. Fair made me want to cry. Also there was a visit by the Lord Mayor who tried to pinch my Christmas

  14. That is really sweet. I am sure your aunt appreciated it.

  15. How cool are those cards? I really enjoyed seeing them.

    I'm glad your Aunt is feeling better and is back home!!

  16. No wonder your Aunt got better! She just about had to after getting all those great wishes. So cute. Thanks for sharing.

    And below -- I loved the "space" post -- esp. the line 'the meek shall inherit the earth, if it's OK" ...that just made me laugh out loud.

  17. I love that age, they are still so innocent with their insight.


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