
Friday, January 13, 2012

It's the end of the world as we know it

Maybe the Mayans WERE right in predicting that the world will end in 2012.

The Hostess company is filing for bankruptcy.

If that name doesn't ring a bell, maybe these photos will help you. Hostess is the maker of:


The junk food that I grew up with. Sigh.

So WHAT that the ingredients on the side of the box are over an inch long and people can't even pronounce them?

So WHAT that Twinkies have a shelf life of THREE YEARS?

So WHAT that eating this stuff can cause obesity and can be hazardous to your health?

This SHIT is good! I grew UP on this stuff! And I'M okay.

Granted, I AM overweight, and I DO sorta GLOW in the dark, but, aside from that, I'm OKAY.

It's OKAY to eat this stuff! REALLY.

I was HORRIFIED to hear that Hostess was going to file bankruptcy. It brought TEARS to my eyes.

"Noooo!" I yelled!

True, I hadn't eaten a Twinkie since, well, wait I DID have a DEEP-FRIED Twinkie in Vegas a couple of years ago just for grins. And I DID eat one so that I could write all about it on my blog here.

My point it, (and I DO have one), I want EVERYONE to go out and buy Hostess products so we can save the company AND I can recapture my youth.

Thank you.


  1. Oh Pat!!! Me too!!! Eating a chocolate Hostess cupcake with white filling in the middle and the little white squiggle on top takes me back to being 10 years old. Those two packaged cupcakes have soothed my ravaged soul on many a day...

    When I used to work at the Federal Courts, when I had a bad day, I had a best friend who would stop by my desk, put them before me and give me a always made me feel better.
    I will NOT accept any substitutes...I ONLY want HOSTESS. I am with you! I will be going out and stocking up! Freezing them!!! Let's save Hostess!

  2. LOL Funny post ! Hostess was the first company to make potato chips and here they have been no longer for some time . I never was a twinky person or the cup cakes person the other types we dont have here ! It is a shame that all these old type companies are folding ! Hey maybe go and buy up as much as you can to enjoy them for one last time before they dissapear ! They maybe worth something in the future lol Have a good day !

  3. Well now, declaring bankruptcy doesn't mean they're going out of business. I'm sorry to say that other than a two year foray into the world of Hostess Fruit Pies (cherry) I haven't eaten anything made by them in a long, long, time.

    But I know a bunch of ding dongs. Does that count?

  4. He who loves chocolate cupcakes is beside himself ..... but, the news is that they will continue to do business as they re-organize. Do not despair!!

  5. Fun post! Yes, I remember it all. It's a shame they are going under. :(

  6. I never cared for Twinkies, but I do like ding dongs! er, the hostess dessert!

  7. I never cared for Twinkies, but I do like ding dongs! er, the hostess dessert!

  8. Ugh!! I grew up eating Hostess too. First Dublin Dr. Pepper is gone, and now this?? It's a conspiracy. I will go out tonight and buy Hostess... I haven't had a Twinkie, DIng Dong, or HoHo in years, and this falls right on the heels of some major junk food cravings, so I can support Hostess AND fulfill those cravings!!

    I'm off to buy some snack cakes!! :)

  9. Already done.

    We always have Twinkies on hand ;)

    But yeah, I heard about this on the news and freaked out at first thinking I'd never find a Ding Dong again.

  10. I love the ding dongs, I had to walk by a display at the check out just last week and almost, but not, put a box in my cart, now maybe I think I should have shown my support.

  11. Oh Pat this made me laugh out loud!

  12. Oh man I sure wish I could still eat that stuff! Not the Twinkies as I think they're pretty gross, but I love Ding Dongs and Ho Ho's.

  13. Oh, no!!!! The end is near!
    I grew up eating Drake's Cakes, though.
    Except ours were called "Yodels."
    Because "Ho Hos" sounded like code for "Hooker, Hooker."
    Still...a sad day whenever we lose our Ding Dongs.

  14. maybe its because it is so late...and i have been the car so long, but i cant stop crying....i may go stockpile twinkies tomorrow...

  15. Whoops.... never heard of any of those products. Please will you buy extra to show my support for the company....grins.

  16. I pledge to keep the company going. As hard as it will be, I will buy oodles of twinkies and force myself to consume all their ooey gooey goodness. It will be awfully hard, but I promise to do my fair share:)

  17. I read this on the news too, it brought a tear to my eye. I used to eat the ding dongs like crazy. Every day for lunch, through out my school years.

    Oh how I will miss that creamy filling.

    Great post by the way!

  18. twinkies are great, thanks for the fun post!

    happy weekend!

  19. I use to love a twinkie now and then. Can't eat them anymore due to my dang gluten issue..sigh!

  20. Many of us loved those 'bad for us' desserts and it is sad they will be no more. I guess this is wasn't company that could have "healthified" their product, are they?

  21. Hostess and the postal service...the end is near!

  22. I saw that article and sure do remember those things..when our kids were little we used to buy them by the dozens at the returned-goods bread store -- they were always in our freezer. (I'm a little ashamed of that now, but who knew?) And Of course you're much younger than I, but it would take a heck of a lot more than a twinkie for me to recapture my lost youth ;>)

  23. They sell all of these products and they are going bankrupt? Sounds like a case of mismanagement. You can't sell such delicious product and not be making money. :)
    I haven't had twinkies in forever but I'm craving one right now.

  24. Hmmmm, doesn't this meet criteria for "things in a row?" ;-9


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