
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Signs - Have a What? Why Thank you!

Saw this sign at a local American Legion Post. Obviously a word is missing. Or maybe not.

Either you fill in the blank:

Have a:

a) nice

b) crappy

c) wonderful

d)  so-so



They have the power to bestow an extra day upon the reader's life. You never know! If so, I'm hoping to pass their magic on to all MY readers! Ha ha!

For more signs, please visit Lesley here.


  1. It would be nice if I put the link in before I hit "publish". Geesh!

    Here it is:

    Don't know how to make a link in the comments to you'll have to copy and paste. Sorry!

  2. Maybe it's one of those generic signs, sort of like medicine which, when generic, costs a whole lot less but is supposed to work just as well???

    I kind of like thinking, though, that someone will give me a day. :=}

    Thanks for the smile!

  3. Thanks for the day!
    I don't know how people do the comment link either.

  4. ha, you know what i might just be able to do

  5. cute...I'll take an extra day, please.

  6. If I get an extra day, I'll just end up doing laundry!

  7. Maybe they did it on purpose so what ever mood the person is reading it can fill the blank them selves lol Good one ! Have a wonderful day lol !

  8. Just add on an extra one to my life and I will be happy. Clever sign. genie

  9. That's funny. There isn't room for another word on the sign.

  10. I liken this to that gratingly useless "have a good one" that people now insist on saying, instead of "good-bye" or "you're welcome" (as you leave a store)

  11. At my age just getting another day feels great. Live long and prosper.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Maybe someone is watching to see how many people do double-takes when they see this sign!

    Someone once told me how to do links within a comment box. I'll send the instructions to you by email as Blogger will not accept the instructions in a comment for some reason.

    Here's the link to the signs blog:

    Signs Blog

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. A lot of them are probably old dudes
    And would appreciate having at least one more day.

  16. THAT is a great sign. For my "wish I'd photographed that" mental file! So funny.

    You are just outdoing yourself each time with your beautiful header shots. -- With beautifully lighted palm trees like that in your neighborhood, who needs individual decorations!


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