
Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year! I'm Ba--ack!

Hey my little chickadees! Did you miss me? I missed all of youl! It was really strange being away from the computer for a couple of weeks. This is the first time I've done that.....the time just flew by!

I said I would post on the First of the Year, and here I am a day early!

Did you know that you could write a wish and have it written on a piece of confetti that will be added to the ONE TON of confetti that flutters down on Times Square at the stroke of midnight tonight?

Is that cool or what?

I guess this has been done for a few years now. Who knew?

People from around the WORLD submit their wishes, both via the internet, OR if they are visiting the Times Square Visitor's Center. At the Center, they can write their own wish on an official piece of confetti and then tack it onto the Wishing Wall.

I just added my wish this morning and I was going to share the link with all of you; unfortunately the link is now closed. I guess they need time to print all the wishes! But we'll have to remember this for next year! I wonder when they start collecting the wishes for 2013?

It just makes me smile to think my little wish is mixed among the gazillion other wishes from all over the world. Maybe this year my wish just might come true!

May all YOUR wishes come true!

Happy New Year!


  1. I am glad you're back, Pat. I love your humor and the hysterical things you write about. Also enjoy your great photos.
    Good info on the New Year's wishes.
    A friend I know has a huge bonfire tonight and burns scraps of paper printed with everyone's worries. A good way to start the New Year.
    Hope you have a great day and happy year.
    Blessings. Welcome back.

  2. Welcome back!! Interesting about the confetti.

    I like the photo at the top of your blog but I'd love to see the undoctored image, too. Beautiful.

    I missed you.

  3. Good to have ya back ! Love your header photo ! Happy New Year to you and your family !

  4. Welcome back! Missed ya'! I didn't know about the wishes confetti...that's pretty cool. Hope your New Year Wishes come true, also!

  5. Welcome back and I didn't know that I'll have to do that next year. Have a safe and Happy New Year!!!

  6. that is cool...i knew that they did it but never really looked into it...i hope your wish comes true and that you have a wonderful new year!

  7. Yes, I missed you, and yes, that's cool about the confetti wishes. Happy New Year, Pat!

  8. Welcome Back! We look forward to hearing about your holiday fun with family.
    That is very interesting about the confetti. Once again you have given us some fascinating knowledge.

  9. I missed you too, Pat. Not so many smiles when you're not around. Wishes on confetti is a novel idea. I like the bit of confetti that asked for No Budget... hope whoever wrote it keeps praying. Happy New Year.

  10. Glad you're back. I did the same thing. I only posted twice in Dec. not on purpose, it just worked out that way. I enjoyed your post and welcome back.

  11. Happy New Year...may all your dreams come true.

  12. YES! I missed you and your fun posts! Love the new header--and that you gave it brush strokes! Happy New Year! YAY She's back safe and sound! :)

  13. Some of my wishes have already come true!

    Happy New Year!

  14. I am so happy to see that you are back. I miss you something awful!

    The wish idea is really cool. I want to do that next year too.

    Happy New year to you!

  15. welcome back!

    you've been missed!

    Happy New Year!


  16. That's so cool!

    Happy New Year, Pat!

  17. Wow, I didn't know that. I would've wished that Lady Gaga stayed home if I did.
    Welcome back!

  18. Happy New Year Pat!

    It good to have you back. From the looks of your header I would guess you saw a little snow at home. We still don't have any.

    The confetti wishes are a great idea. I'll have to keep my eyes open for the 2013 link.

  19. I had no idea that something like this was even possible! Cool!

    Happy New Year to you!

  20. Happy New Year -- never knew about that confetti tradition -- pretty neat. Sounds like you had a perfect Christmas. Great posts, but Oh my God (as your darling granddaughter would say), that header post looks cold for an Arizona-wintering Grandma!


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