
Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thursday's Things in a Row

Old MacDonald had a farm....EIEIO.

And on that farm he had some chickens. EIEIO

With a bawk, bawk here.......
Old MacDonald had a farm...EIEIO. And on that farm he had some turkeys. EIEIO.

With a gobble, gobble here.....
Old MacDonald had a farm...EIEIO. And on that farm he had some roosters. EIEIO.

With a cock-a-doodle doo here.......
Old MacDonald had a farm...EIEIO. And on that farm he had some ducks. EIEIO.

With a quack, quack here......
Old MacDonald had a farm...EIEIO. And on that farm he had some sheep. EIEIO. But there were only two and you need at least three to make a row, EIEIO. So I have no pictures to show.

These photos were actually taken at Hank's Farm, in Ottawa, IL, which has a Curious Goods store that sells all kinds of things. There is also a good restaurant, AND all these animals are walking all over the grounds.

I remembered at the last minute about Thursday's Things In a Row. I'm losing track of days because we are on the road making our way down to Arizona!

What have you got for me this week?


  1. Oh, I love this meme, I got tons of things in a row.

    I'll come back Pat and get myself organized!

  2. Gotta love all the poultry and waterfowl in a row. Those roosters are totally cool.

  3. The roosters are a little bit rusty, but they look so cute!

  4. This Old MacDonald had lots of fun farm animals in a row! And the metal roosters are a hoot!

    [Pat, I hope you don't mind my linking for only my LAST photo of my post today... but I did think of you when I took the shot last night! :-)]

  5. I like the lightheartedness of this post, Pat. Great pics too.

    How's Lily?

  6. Great rows...rows I know, even your header has rows.

  7. yer roosters look a little stiff...smiles...haha...nice we went to the farm last weekend to get a pumpkin

  8. There's something about those roosters that's not quite right.

  9. Happy travels to you! I think the roosters look fine. They are just a bit stiff, but they are probably just camera shy.

  10. Nice rows of fowl! I've always liked those black & white chickens. I think they are called Barred Rocks...we used to have some.

  11. Nice pictures, that kind of chickens for a long time since I saw them.

  12. Come on down to the Ponderosa Pat...I've got the wild~eyed cattle and donkeys!!!! E-I-E-I-OOOOO :o)

    I love this post sweetie!!!

    God bless ya and have a fun filled day!

  13. These are so cute! Pretty chickens!

  14. Love these!
    Oooops...I forgot too!!

  15. What cool and quiet roosters in a row! Love all the foul and poultry in these shots!

    Safe travels to your new local.

  16. Haha, chickens and roosters just have a weird way of making me happy. But so do cupcakes and goats.

    Love your rows this week!
    I have missed Thursday's Things in a Row, but my camera broke. :(


  17. What a nice collection of birds! One of these days I'll participate; just too many other things happening right now.

  18. Nothing in my life behaves well enough to actually stay in rows.

  19. the hens and the ducks are really cute!

    lovely things in a row.


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