
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Busy Times

The next few days will be busy. Today we are going to my daughter's church where they will be doing a special "laying of the hands" on our granddaughter, Lily.

You may recall that she is having corrective surgery on both eyes tomorrow morning. The hospital is an hour away from my daughter's house; the surgery is scheduled for 7:30 am. Lily has to be there by 6:30 am.

You do the math.

Yep. We have to leave by 5:30 am at the latest. 

To make things easier, Jim and I will stay overnight so we don't have to get up any earlier than necessary and drive the 1/2 hour to my daughter's house.

The surgery should last around 2 hours. An hour an eye? I wonder.

Again please remember Lily in your prayers. I hope to be able to update you on her condition.

The very next day (Tuesday) we head for Arizona. We don't drive very far each day (between 200-300 miles); this is due to the stiffness of my bones and the uncomfortable seat in the truck! We are planning on stopping and setting up each night (versus staying a couple of days here and there). Jim is anxious to get to Arizona! So it will be a tiring week and my postings may be sporadic. I hope to be reading your blogs, but I may not always comment!

Take care everyone! Hope you all have a good week!


  1. I'm praying that all goes well, Pat.

    Stiff bones ... I know EXACTLY what you mean.

  2. ((hugs))

    be thinking of you and saying those prayers...

  3. i'll be keeping lilly in my prayers...

    thinking of you.


  4. Your sweet granddaughter is in thoughts and prayers in many places right now, we will be anxious to hear how the surgery went. She is a brave little girl.

  5. Lily and her loving family are in my heart and my prayers.

    Safe traveling.

  6. I will be thinking of you as you sit and wait tomorrow and sending up prayers for a good outcome.

  7. Praying for Lily & also for you to have an uneventful trip in terms of safety. I know we will have TONS of pictures to view when you did get to settle down at the computer.

  8. Hoping all goes well for Lily. Have a safe trip!

  9. Sending good thoughts for your sweet Lily. What a precious little girl.

    And safe journey to you. Hope you don't spend too much time being uncomfortable.

  10. Prayers for Lily. Let us know how she does!
    Arizona? I'm envious, as always!

  11. Blessings to Lily, and to you in your upcoming travels.

  12. Still praying! Let us know!!!


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