
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thursday's Things in a Row

This is part two of things in a row that I saw a Navy Pier in Chicago. Here we go!

I like to call this "Knobs on a Fence". I could have added to it by having ME in the photo, leaning on the fence, hee hee, (get it, knobs on a fence.) Oh, forget it!

Bicycles built for families of four
I DID feel compelled to straighten these benches, but I held myself back!
I tried hard to straighten this photo, but it's the perspective that's off. But then I decided that I LIKE how the buildings are on a slant in the background. Kind of proves that the earth is round, yes?

I love these hanging flower baskets on the fence dividing the road, and I wish I had a better perspective of this, but I literally risked my BE-hind taking this photo as a taxi whipped around the corner nearly missing me as I jumped up on the curb. Whew! All in a day's work in the life of an amateur photographer!
So.....did you risk life or limb taking any shots this week?


  1. i love the bicycles and the row of benches--i have a similar photo. i should participate next week.:p


  2. You found some fun ones Pat. I love those bicycles, those would be a fun way to get around.

    The hanging baskets on the fence are so cool. And you are so brave. What a photographer won't go through for a great photo!

  3. nice...we saw plenty of those pedal carts at the beach this last the last one though...

  4. You're a heroine. I glad the taxi missed you, Pat. Loved all your lined-up pictures.

  5. Risking your life to get a good, that's a serious photographer! Great rows.

  6. Fun series images... but YOU are NO knob! LOL! Okay, maybe a just a teeny weeny bit for getting nearly run over for a shot... But you are in good company... ahem... I do it all the time. LOL!

  7. Hi, Pat! I've seen this meme on other blogs and decided to join in. I didn't risk life or limb, but did enjoy looking for things in a row!

  8. What fun your beautiful things all in a row are sweetie!!! I totally enjoyed :o)

    God bless and have a terrific Thursday girl! :o)

  9. Hey Pat! We're back from vacation and I was seeing rows everywhere--thanks to YOU!

    Love your rows this week. I bet the view from those benches is really lovely! I have never seen bikes like those...what fun for a family or a couple of couples. :)

    Just your comment on getting the picture of the flower baskets makes me ask--who has to water those????? What a lovely addition to the Chicago area though! :)


    Thanks for another great set of photos!!!! Do you miss Chicago?

  10. I love your things in a row! You get the best shots!

  11. amazing eye as always my friend :)

  12. Mercy! Nothing would have stopped me from straightening those benches. You are a stronger woman than I.

  13. I understand about wanting to straighten those benches.
    I have always wanted to visit Chicago.....

  14. Wonderful shots! I probably would have walked down and straightened the bench that was out of I didn't risk life or limb this week taking photos...well unless you count the last photo in my post as I was in a room with 50 plus youth! =)

  15. I love these. Especially the bikes, they're so cool!
    And no, I did not risk life and limb to get my pictures because I am not as daring as you.
    I bow to your awesomeness.


  16. those "things in a row" pictures are simply gorgeous!

    looks like a beautiful navy pier.


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