
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Just a little fun

Don't know if you heard about Ben and Jerry's new ice cream flavor.....

It's called "Schweddy Balls". Schweddy Balls contains vanilla ice cream with a hint of rum and fudge covered rum and malt balls.

Yep, that's right.

Based on the classic Saturday Night Live skit with Alec Baldwin.

Watch it here:

Click here if you want to send a Schweddy greeting card on Facebook.


  1. hehe - not sure I could buy this ice cream. have you?

  2. no this for real? what marketing genius thought this up...and how many men will sleep on the couch for asking their wives if they want some...

  3. OMG! That is so funny! No, I had NO idea! LOL! :)

  4. I always loved that skit. Almost as good as canteen boy!

  5. Reminds me of Chef's Salty Balls on South Park.
    I am not disgusted... but I'm the one who makes hot, juicy meat jokes when my hubby bbq's.

    Like, "Oh baby, your meat is so juicy, I can't wait to get it in my mouth."


    "I wonder how much of that meat I can fit in my mouth. Without swallowing."

  6. I heard whoopi talking of this on the funny ;)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Just made a comment but made a typing error.
    Anywho, the edited version:

    I was just watching "E! News" and I saw that. Probably the greatest thing to ever happen in the ice cream community.
    It'd be even greater if they made a "Dusty Muffin" flavor, too, from when Betty White was on SNL.


  9. I saw both of these the Dusty Muffin skit and the Schweddy Balls skit! Hilarious stuff! I don't know about eating that ice cream, even though it sounds good.

  10. Never heard of it. Can't remember it from SNL....but sounds like an ice cream you and I would laugh over as we gobbled it up!

    I LOVE the new pic on your header!!! Is it one of your's? It is WON-DER-FUL!! I also noticed you are a Photo Contest Winner at the Retirement Chronicles.... Congratulations!

  11. I did see that on facebook. At first I thought it was a joke. Turns out I was wrong. Honest to goodness I can't believe they named an ice cream that!

  12. Hahahaaa... What will they think of next...

  13. LOL That is just TOO funny! Not sure I could eat it though! ;-D


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