
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Signs - I'm NOT Your Mother!

This sign posted outside by the picnic tables at a fast food restaurant makes you chuckle AND gets their point across!

For more signs join Lesley here.


  1. how true how true!

  2. hahahha, that was funny and I needed the laugh, Thank You :)

  3. Hilarious way of getting an important message across! Good one!

  4. What Gemma said! :)

    It reminds me of the sign in my mom's bathroom--"This is a self cleaning bathroom. Clean up after yourself." LOL

  5. Oh, my, goodness....I need one of these for my in school suspension room.I REFUSE to push in chairs or pick up anything for the students when they are sent to me....and they HAVE to say “yes, Ms. R.” I love this post. You have made my day. genie

  6. There is a little frustration lurking behind that sign. Nice one!

  7. That is great!! I think we need that at my place of work!!

  8. humour is the best way to get a point across!

  9. Good one! I could use one of those for my husband!

  10. sounds like something my mother would

  11. Oh, man, if I had only had a copy of that sign when I was still single. I had a couple roommates who were absolute slobs! They soon learned to confine their mess to their own rooms after learning that when I cleaned house I did it with a vengeance.....storming through the living room with a garbage bag; anything that didn't belong in the living room went in the garbage:beer bottles, glasses, stray shoes, shirts, hats, a few sets of car keys, almost a cat on one occasion.....

  12. i love that sign! i wish there was something like that at work... your mom does not work here; please make a pot of coffee if you take the last cup. (or clean up the counter where the coffee pot is located.)

    oh wait... i do work there (lol - i work the same place as my daughter, son, and step-daughter work).

  13. Perfect sign!!! I want one for home.

  14. lol funny sign. Found your blog from Signs, Signs. Hope you like my entry. Have a nice day ahead.

  15. That's one way to make a point. Hopefully it is effective.

  16. Oh I love that sign, we have to produce those in thousands hehehehe! About the book snowflower and the fan yes I read that too and I like it. Thanks for dropping by!


  17. Well I am a mother and I STILL keep telling my kids that!


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