
Monday, August 8, 2011

I'm Baaak!

You probably didn't even miss me! It's great to have the posts all set up in advance! Now I'm busy playing catch up! I may not have a chance to comment on all your posts, but I'll try to read all of them!

We left last Thursday and drove up to Minnesota to spend the weekend with Jim's family for the annual camping trip.

Here are a couple of odd things I saw along the way:

First is a castle:

It recently opened as a Bed and Breakfast.

Did you ever see a Hummer fly?

We drove near a military base that must have been doing some kind of training exercises. This helicopter flew RIGHT OVER OUR TRUCK. There was a moment that we all thought, "OH SHIT", hoping the Hummer wouldn't accidentally fall off.

Some funny photos from the weekend:

My brother-in-law Al, who never graduated from drinking from a sippy cup.

The winged warrior: my niece "C" showing me her shoulder blades. Ouch!

My other niece, "G", showing off her blue/purple hair. Is this because she is studying blue jays in her PhD program I wonder?

Red-haired great-niece, baby "A", in honor of Lucille Ball's 100th birthday with her father, Eric.

Twin sister of "A", great niece "B" putting on the moves for everyone. (left to right, Barb SIL, "B", "Mo" niece, Shawn nephew)

Nephew "M" with that "Jiffy-Popped" expression! (Niece Becky and husband Shawn in background)

These funny shoes are worn by our eldest son, Jeff. They are called "toe shoes." Of course, you must wear "toe socks" inside. They look like gorilla feet to me.

Have you seen this monstrosity of a marshmallow?

photo credit

Unfortunately this isn't from my campfire. I didn't get a picture of ours. But believe me, they were the same size! They definitely are messy!

Then someone else brought out these funny looking marshmallows.

Weird looking. Like someone sat on the bag and smooshed them all. The directions said to wrap the smores up in foil, but we tried it this way. It didn't work....the crackers burned. Then the kids tried roasting the marshmallows on sticks. Although it was tricky to get them on sticks, it DID work.

Here is my OTHER granddaughter, Lauren, roasting a marshmallow.

Meet the newest addition to the group, baby "K".

And finally, here's the whole damn bunch of us. Well, those that made it to the camp-out, anyway.

More stories to follow.


  1. great pictures! love the red hair! we hope Amy's baby girl has red hair (there is red on both sides of the family, so maybe...).

    great to schedule posts but i never think to do it.

    glad you had a great time.

  2. Fun! A Castle???? Cool!

    And those toe shoes! I have never seen anything like those! LOL

    Looks like you guys had great fun!

  3. Looks like you all had a wonderful time. Great photos. Congrats to the family on your beautiful new addition. I really need to get better at scheduling posts.

  4. looks like a lot of fun! have seen those marshmallows...they are huge...and those are creepy shoes...what a cool bed and breakfast as well....

  5. One great thing about the toe shoes - - which I think look weird - - - is your toes can't cross over each other! I like that you had matching T-shirts for this. You all did this last summer, too, - - right? Seems like I remember you organizing some games - - - - like a bunch of people on a ski or something? Or was that another blogger?! Seems like you though.

  6. What great photos! Loved the blue hair! She's a doll.

  7. A castle, flying Hummer, and family---ahhh! What a wonderful time. Love the matching T-shirts and the red haired babies! :):)

  8. that looks like a ton of fun :)

    I just got back from a bit of a blog break myself :)

  9. Welcome back and yes! You were missed!

  10. Baby K had the right idea, Pat. Loved the monster shoes... I wonder if there's any over here. Glad you had such a good time.

  11. The thought of those toe shoes is creeping me out...

  12. You guys look like you're having a blast!

    I've tried the unnaturally shaped marshmallows, but they just didn't work for me.

  13. YES you were missed!!!
    Love all the photos! I haven't seen those square marshmellows though...Cool!!

  14. I'm a new follower. Love your blog! I hope you will join me, too...
    McGuffy's Reader


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