
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Bridges - Duluth, MN

This cute little draw bridge can be found in the town of Duluth, Minnesota, right on Lake Superior. Here it is opened up for this tour boat to pass through.

For more bridges, visit Louis here.


  1. amazing bridge....I enjoy your sunday bridges very much :)

  2. I find it interesting the way it closes in on itself as it opens. This would be fun to watch!

  3. We have a couple of bridges like that in Maine. Nice shots!

  4. Bridges have always scared me. I don't like being on them. Must be some deep pschological trauma involved ......

  5. It worked!!!!!!!! I am now able to comment!!!!!!

  6. so cool...used to see more drawbridges when we lived down south...

  7. i don't like to drive over large bridges, but they are impressive to look at. there's one down in tampa that is huge. i hated to drive over it when we went to florida for my FIL's funeral. in fact, they closed it before we came back home because of high winds and we had to fly out of fort myers instead of tampa.

  8. we have a lot of draw bridges in Portland. They're beautiful, but I'm so illogically afraid to go across them on my motorcycle.

  9. Drawbridges are amazing - - - haven't seen one in a while though so glad you posted this one. I'm not crazy about bridges either - - even on the interstate. I am like a horse with blinders- - - just look at the road and nothing else. I have not had panic attacks before but height could possibly induce one.

  10. It looks so short compared to most that I seen on this coast. Draw bridges are fascinating, great shots Pat.

  11. Kathy--YAY!!!!! It worked!!! :)

    Pat--This is really interesting! Wish I could see it move. It reminds me of an Erector set.

  12. It is a cute little bridge. Many years ago we traveled on the Sacramento Delta in a house boat and sometimes had to wait for a little drawbridge to open for us.

  13. I really like the design of this he color too!
    Sorry I haven't been around much lately.
    ☼ Sunny

  14. Drawbridges fascinate me... what a feat of engineering.

  15. i really like bridges and that one is so cute!
    i really enjoyed looking at it.

    have a great week ahead, pat!
    betty xx

  16. Fascinating the way this one opens!

  17. I just saw this bridge last Tuesday! I had never send a real live bridge that would open up like that before. The crazy thing is that on the other side of this bridge is a neighborhood that the only way they can get out is on that bridge......

  18. Nice shot Miz Pat! Stay cool up there!

  19. Thank goodness, that's a draw bridge. I thought it was broken or some fancy piece of art.

  20. That IS a cute drawbridge. How long does the open-close process take? I'd have to muster patience if I arrived at the bridge JUST as it was opening...


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