
Saturday, July 9, 2011

Did you know....

that TODAY is considered "ODD DAY"? Because there are three consecutive odd numbers (07/09/11) that make up the date and it happens only six times in a century. So do something ODD today, people!

that according to The Cussing Channel, (did you even KNOW there was one?) there are 429 swear words in the movie Pulp Fiction. Talk about overkill!

that in case you wanted/needed body parts that were crocheted, such as possibly

or say

I found just the person to supply you with them! Her name is Sarah and this is her link: Go ahead and click it; you'd be amazed at what this lady can make!


  1. odd day, well every day is odd when it involves me :)

  2. umm...crocheted body parts...probably not the best thing if you have a dog...might come undone you know, if chewed it is

  3. What makes one want to crochet body parts???

  4. What a hoot!!! Yes, I agree with Eva. What would make one want to crochet body parts? I can't crochet but if I did I'd make something else, something cute like maybe a pair of slippers. BUT I have to say it must be interesting work.
    I'm happy to see you are still humorous as ever Miss Pat. I love reading your posts.
    A cussing channel??? I'm always the last to know!
    Bless you dear friend.

  5. I find it odd that I was just this morning wondering how many swear words were in that movie and here you were with the answer.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Crochet body parts seem pretty odd to me !
    Sorry about the delet comments went hay wire !

  8. so funny! will have to check out the other blog just because i am curious as to what she makes.

  9. It's funny the things some folk dream up. I like to crochet but not body parts. I have enough trouble coping with real ones. Is that reason good enough to qualify for Odd Day? Happy Sunday, Pat.

  10. Uh, crochet body parts? That's new!!!

    I think it's only odd day in the Northern Hemisphere because in the Southern Hemisphere the day and month are switched around. We say 9/7/11 rather than 7/9/11.

    Doesn't matter - everyday is odd day with me around!!

  11. I was wondering where I could acquire a crocheted liver, one that absorbs and filters well and you have supplied the source...thank you. Oh, and does she crochet boobs?

    As for odd day, is there a day in my world that is not odd? I bet you can answer that question.

    Have a fantastic day!!

  12. Hi Pat, thanks for your comment on my blog, I cannot tell you how good it feels to be back and "see" all my blogging friends again. I promise to be a better blogger in the future!
    Those crocheted organs are amazing indeed, they made me smile!

  13. Crocheted organs and body parts, now that is really odd. Reminds me of a friend in Anchorage who did a lot of crafts, one of her best selling items was knitted "family jewels" warmers!


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