
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Brenda's Photo Challenge - God Bless America

I searched and searched through all my photos trying to find something for the theme, "God Bless America". I found a nice photo of a flag waving in the breeze, but thought that there would probably be many entries with those. And then I came across photos from our visit to the Grand Canyon and thought, what could show that this was God's Country more than that?

So I give you.....The Grand Canyon

To see more participants in Brenda's Photo Challenge, click here.


  1. Just breathtaking....

    Happy 4th

  2. Oh yes! It is indeed God's Country! Love it!

  3. It's an apt picture, Pat. Happy 4th to you and yours.

  4. Hi Pat! This is indeed the America that I have fallen in love with! So beautiful! :)

  5. Yes, Yes, YES!!! If that scene doesn't make you believe in God, then there's no hope for you, LOL! Beautiful!

  6. beautiful picture! i was able to just barely get in on this challenge.

  7. Excellent choice! It depicts a 'grand' part of America that God beautifully created! Thanks for thinking outside the box!

  8. Pat,
    Thanks for your comment on my blog. That proofing a novel should be enough. It made me realize I set myself up for failure by setting the bar way too high for myself. Thanks for words of wisdom.
    Love the morning glory photo.
    Have only seen the Grand Canyon from the air when we flew to Las Vegas once.
    Take care. Have a great 4th.
    Blessings, B

  9. wow. still on my to do list as i bet in person it is all the more spectacular...

  10. I have seen the Grand Canyon in person when I was a young child and it was beautiful, as is your picture. I hope to make it back there someday. Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Someday I would love to see the Grand Canyon.

    God Bless America!

  12. The Grand Canyon is indeed one of the most beautiful places in North America!

  13. One of God's best masterpieces, in my opinion. =)
    Hope you're having a great holiday weekend!

  14. Oh Pat, I've been there too...Truly God's Country!
    Happy 4th of July!

  15. Oh wow, amazing! And i most definitely love your background. High in the sky, learning to fly :) Thank you for the blog!

    International call

  16. When you are actually there, it literally takes your breath away!

  17. Nodding my head in agreement with Eva.

  18. Terrific choice! Beautiful photo!

  19. This says America loudly and beautifully!


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