
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Feeling hot, Hot, HOT!

It was another scorcher here today in the Midwest. Reached a high of 91 degrees with high humidity. The kind of day that makes it seem like you never put on any deodorant  and your underwear sticks to your butt. YOU know what I'm talking about.

The kind of day that our air conditioner can't possibly keep up, even though we're only living in 400 square feet of space. What can I say? I'm a hot MOMMA!

So Jim and I decided to go to an afternoon show. Usually we take turns between seeing "Chick" flicks and "Dick" flicks.

But this time I made a bold move. I saw a movie on my own. I wanted to see "Bridesmaids" and Jim wanted to see "Pirates of the Caribbean". Although I love Johnny Depp, I didn't care to see another one of those pirate movies. So I suggested we go our separate ways in the theater. Both movies conveniently started at the same time.

I think I've gone to the show by myself once before. It was fine. I would NEVER go to a scary movie by myself. Who would hold my hand?

I was looking forward to munching my own popcorn at my own pace. I like to savor each piece of popcorn. Jim tends to gobble, gobble, gobble. That means I have to eat at the same pace so I can get my fair share. I know, sad, right?

Anyway, there was a long line and the movie was about to start. Jim said, "I don't need any popcorn. We just ate lunch. I'm going to my movie."

Well, geez, he NEVER says that when we see a movie TOGETHER.

I said, "Fine! I guess I don't need popcorn, either!" So we walked to our respective movies, which happened to be showing right across the hall from each other.

I stumbled into the darkened theater; the commercials were already starting. I tried to judge what was the center seat and plunked myself down. (You KNOW I have this thing about sitting in the exact CENTER of the row!) I tried not to panic figuring if it was, indeed, the center seat, and waited till the screen got brighter to actually count the seats. (I know, I'm weird.) I was exactly in the center. Gosh I'm getting good at this.

There was a total of four people in the audience, including me.

All of a sudden the screen went totally dark, but we could hear the sound. The previews had started.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I love watching the previews. I want to know about the upcoming movies and if there are any that I really must see. Just when I was about to get up to complain to management about the problem, someone else stood up and said, "I'll go tell someone."

By the time the problem was fixed, we missed two full previews. Of course the "film" or whatever wasn't rewound  because time is of the essence, right?

Finally the movie started. It was pretty funny from the beginning. Kristin Wiig is a very talented actress and comedian. You may know her from Saturday Night Live.

image from Google

She co-wrote and starred in the movie. She has great comedic talent and reminds me of a young Meg Ryan.

But I have to say, the real scene stealer goes to Melissa McCarthy.

She is downright HILARIOUS in this movie! I don't know if you watch her on "Mike and Molly",

but she is so sweet and attractive looking on the show.

In this movie she doesn't wear any make-up, her hair is pulled back in a severe pony-tail, and she always has on pants with a shirt tucked in. The one thing that is the same is that she has a heart of gold in both the movie and the TV series.

I'd give this movie 3 out of 4 stars. It's funny. There is some slapstick humor in it, and it can be raw at times, so beware. It is rated "R".

We came home and although it felt cooler in our trailer, our thermostat read 86 degrees! Looks like we should have seen a double-header!


  1. I cannot cope with the heat either. My assistant at work can't stay warm so it's an interesting time with the thermostat. However, I have a great little fan in my office - - got it at Wal-Mart for under $10. It is almost like an A/C with the wind it puts out. It would be small enough to fit anywhere in your cozy home.

  2. whew...might have been a movie marathon day for had been a heat wave here up until today...nicely overcast and only in the 80s...i enjoyed the break...

  3. the heat is a bitch:( the movie looks awesome....and I so get the popcorn at your own pace thing :)

  4. you made me spew tea when you talked about the popcorn! That's EXACTLY what happens to us. I've finally decided to buy my own smaller popcorn and let Jeff gobble away. It drives me nuts!

  5. It gets really hot here in the summer but fortunately we don't have that horrible humidity, I remember it well and don't miss it.

    On a really hot day the movies are a great place to hang out. I haven't seen this one yet, maybe when it warms up a little more I'll check it out.

  6. Comedic movies, how could I ever refuse them even with the scorching hot temperature. Fun really, though I got to fetch some ice cubes once in a while. :-) wowaccountforsale

  7. Just ninty-seven here yesterday, thank goodness the humidity was only 49%!

  8. We are in Kentucky this week and I think we picked the hottest week to come down here! Our hosts said this is July weather. What happened to June?

  9. Glad you found a way to escape the heat. Do we get a movie review from the Hubs?

  10. it's not so hot here. i hate humidity.

    awesome pictures as usual.


  11. Don't you have a/c in your trailer? I haven't been to a movie in ages. We just never seem to get there. My husbands 12 hour work days aren't helping our social life either.
    Stay cool! 90 degrees here today.

  12. We saw Bridesmaids, too! It was funny. Did you know the guy who plays the sky martial is Melissa McCarthy's real life husband?

  13. Michael told me our thermometer on the back patio was closing in on 110 on Monday. Glad I was at work!

    I don't think I have EVER seen a movie by myself! Drinking my own coke, eating my own popcorn............hmm. I just may have to try this concept. Soumds purty good to me!

    I will check out this movie! Sounds cute!

  14. you and jim sound like ron and i with the popcorn. {sigh} it's so hard to get my share of it. lol!

    the movie sounds cute. i don't like mike and molly but maybe i'd like her in this movie.


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