
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Smells like Home to Me

This is the time of the year when the lilacs are in bloom and that heady, floral fragrance permeates the air. I cannot resist cutting a handful of these delicate flowers and putting them in a vase of water. Soon the rooms fill with the lovely scent. It’s even better if the windows are open and there is a soft breeze, for it spreads the aroma into every corner.

The smell of lilacs instantly brings me back to my childhood home.

We had a huge lilac bush next to our back porch. The branches hung heavy with the blossoms, even extending over the fence into our neighbor’s yard for them to enjoy. We’d have vases of lilacs spread throughout the house.

When we kids grew up, we still enjoyed the lilac bush. Mom would telephone and say, “The lilacs are in bloom!” and I’d be sure to come over so I could cut some and take not only a beautiful bouquet to enjoy, but also a little bit of “home”.

These lilacs are from my daughter’s yard. She was lucky enough to have huge lilac bushes in her back yard when she bought her home a few years ago. She and I, along with my granddaughter, Lily, went out to the yard to cut some lilacs.

Jessica leaned over and took a big sniff from the lilacs and said, “You know, Mom, I can’t help but think of Grandma’s house when I smell these.”

My eyes flooded, my throat got thick and I replied, “I know.” I looked down at Lily, parading around with one branch of lilacs in her hand and thought, “Let the tradition continue.”


  1. how beautiful and such memories to share!

  2. Wonderful memory, Pat. My grandmother's house smelled permanently of baked bread. I remember her house whenever I walk past the local bakery. I have two lilac trees in the garden, one white and one lilac colour. Along with the bluebells the house has been full of fragrance for the past few weeks.

  3. Oh this is so sad. Why does time fly so. This brought tears to my eyes but also the realization that my Ma is still around and I am so lucky to have her..

  4. Smells are wonderful memory keepers.

  5. sad a bit..i love smells and how they can instantly take you to those places though...ah....

  6. smell is one of the strongest connections to memory...thanx for sharing yours with us :)

  7. Oh! Pass the Kleenex! Lilacs have the same effect on me.....

  8. Sweet memories to share with your daughter and granddaughter!

  9. Yes,
    Smells, and also music- have the power to take you back to moments in time/memories. Wonderful that you have those fond memories. I am more familiar w/ wild lilac, as we didn't have traditional flower beds growing up- but used to walk in the hills & pick wild lilac.

  10. Wonderful memories that bring back some of mine too. Those sweet little traditions that just seem to grow organically are the best! Our lilacs are not in bloom up here ... soon.

  11. I love your blog. Keep writing :)

  12. My grandma would drape the fresh-washed (maybe dry) sheets over the lilac bushes b4 remaking the bed!

  13. lilacs can bring good memories to me, too.

    so touching post...a tear goes down my cheek.

    those images are adorable.

    betty xx

  14. We had a lilac bush when I was growing up, too. I miss that smell!


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