
Wednesday, May 18, 2011


On our way home to IL, we passed a town called “Wahoo” in Nebraska.

Now who wouldn’t want to be from a town called Wahoo?


Remember how I said when we left Arizona that we’d hang our livers out to dry and not drink for awhile? Well, I found a different happy hour that’s just as dangerous/good. Steak 'n Shake Restaurant is offering a Happy Hour from 2-4  pm for half off drinks. And although their drinks do not include alcoholic beverages, they do include milkshakes and soda pop. You heard me. Milk shakes. Thick, rich, calorie-induced milkshakes. To.Die.For.


The temperature this past week ranged from 91 hot, humid and sunny to cold, wet, windy 36 degrees. Note to Mother Nature: This is NOT FUNNY. I can NOT take a joke.


I will never be able to read all the books I want to read in my lifetime. This upsets me.


If the campground doesn’t fix the wi-fi here soon, I will go mad. MAD I tell you! And then I will not be responsible for my actions. I’m just saying.


I hate, hate, HATE commercials. In turn, I love, love, LOVE my DVR. It we had a fire in our trailer, I think I’d grab my computer and my DVR.



  1. wahoooooooooo :) love your rambles my friend

  2. I sent the same note to Mother Nature a few days ago but so far no response....well the temps did drop a few degrees!

    Wahoo would be a fun place to be from. But then people always start to laugh when I tell them I'm from Walla Walla.

  3. Pat, Mother Nature is NOT listening! Your ramblings were terrific, each one made me smile.

  4. oh i love steak n shake milkshakes....def dangerous....

  5. No Wi-fi??? Now that's roughing it!

  6. Haha,
    Wahoo! I was actually going to use that word in my next blog post. If I were to write a letter to someone from there, I think i'd have to do it w/ all caps & and explanation point at the end! Hope you get your wifi back soon!

  7. Wahoo. I like it. If I win the lottery and buy my own island I will name it Wahoo. The nearest Steak and Shake is an hour away .........

  8. Yes - - Steak 'n' Shake's milkshakes could definitely kill you with mouth-watering love. They are unbelievably delicious! However, I became a bit lactose intolerant when my hormones left me ten years ago so that milkshake is one vice I have learned to avoid.
    Our weather has been nutso this week, too.
    And I, too, will never be able to complete all the reading I want.
    I don't know why but did not think about you living in a campground up north - - but duh to me - - - of course you would. Does this campground have any special activities?

  9. Maybe the guy who came up with Yahoo was from Wahoo...

    They put a Steak and Shake in the Southpointe Hotel and Casino. We ate there to settle our curiosity...we did not particularly care for it, but we did not taste the shakes...personally, I love Bob's Big Boy shakes and DQ Blizzards...and the DQ should get top billing...

    Our weather in NV has been wacky too. Today it was sunny, then fierce winds, then hail, then pouring rain, cold, sunny and then cold again. It is 59 degrees right now!

    I feel your pain in the book department...

    My husband and you are two peas in the pod...only he could care less about the computer, but it doesn't matter, because I would be out the door with my dog and computer first...

    My poor sister had her computer break 18 days ago. She sent it to Dell to fix for $159 and they sent it back and it is STILL UNABLE TO BOOT UP!! All the techs and customer service is in India, and we are talking THICK ACCENTS. It is a nightmare. She has to get up early in the am to call them AGAIN. She has tried for two days to get someone to help her. NOt easy when she can only call before work and on her lunch hour. We just got off the phone, laughing and crying together...Can you imagine 18 days without a computer???

  10. first visit to your blog
    I not only like the name, I also like the 'crooked' truck
    this reminds me of a town called Hohokus (New Jersey)
    greetings from Brussels

  11. Steak and Shakes - never heard of that and I'm hoping none moves in my area - just saying.
    Sounds delicious!
    The weather here has been up and down too. We went from air conditioning to turning the heat back on and rain,rain, rain.


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?