
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away

Sunday morning we heard a strong rapping on our door. I opened it up to find Sandy, the campground owner, standing there.

"Just wanted to advise you that there is a severe storm heading our way. The police just stopped by to warn us. There will be 70 mph winds, possible hail and heavy rains. So you might want to 'batten down the hatches,'" she said, glancing up at our Yogi antenna.

"Thanks for letting us know," I said, and shut the door.

Immediately I wanted to puke.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again.

I'm not good in storms.

And living in a trailer just adds to the drama.

Jim, of course, is never phased by any storms. "Ah we'll be fine!"are his famous last words.

Meanwhile I'm sprinkling each room with holy water and mumbling Hail Marys.

You know, it wouldn't be bad if we had a storm every ONCE in AWHILE, but geez-louise they are happening all the time now!

So Sunday we got the HELL out of Dodge. I called up my daughter, Jessica.

It was only 10:30 am.

"Yeah, hey, uh, we're coming over."

"Ookay. We're still in our pajamas..." Jessica said.

"I don't care. I don't care what your house looks like either. There are bad storms coming and we are LEAVING now!"

I grabbed my computer, camera, flashdrive, purse and raincoat. Jim just grabbed the hard drive with all our photos on it. I think he was just humoring me.

We spent the day at Jessica's. One storm came through with heavy rain and some lightening and then moved out. That was it.

We came back to the campground around 7:30 pm. The sun was just about setting. People were sitting around campfires; the campground didn't look bad at all. There were no leaves or broken tree branches on the ground. I asked our neighbors how bad it had been and they said that a couple of heavy storms had moved through the area, but the winds didn't get as high as expected.

Our trailer was fine.

These are photos from a storm a few days ago.

The clouds are starting to gather.

Looking out over the farmer's field behind our trailer. Look at the band of clouds rolling in!

Things are stirring up more.

Yikes! I'd better get inside!

On Monday, Memorial Day, the sun ACTUALLY came out and there was NO RAIN in the forecast. I sat outside for a few hours and read. It was wonderful.

But today, back to the same dreary, forecast. Actually here's our 5 day forecast.

Scattered Strong Storms / Wind Mostly Sunny Scattered T-Storms Partly Cloudy Isolated T-Storms
Scattered Strong Storms / Wind Mostly Sunny Scattered T-Storms Partly Cloudy Isolated T-Storms
88°F 85° 84° 94° 87°
High High High High High
60° 62° 66° 68° 63°
Low Low Low Low Low
Chance of Rain:
Chance of Precip:
Chance of Rain:
Chance of Precip:
Chance of Rain:

I wonder if our trailer can float?


  1. yikes...storms have been scary this year for sure with all with all the devastation...glad all was well in the end but tense for sure...

  2. Awesome photos though ! I am glad all was ok in the end ! Trailers seem to have a storm magnet dont they ! Have a good day !

  3. We had clouds and rain for the beter part of May. We now seem to finally be having some nice weather. It was 86 and actually hot yesterday. Today it's in the 70s, sunny, and much less humid. Glad you weathered the storms safely!

  4. We are actually hot and dry at the moment.

    Glad a bad one didn't hit.

  5. Where are you right now? Back in your "home base" camp? That last photo looked very ominous! I don't like lightning...and thunder makes me feel all wiggly-jiggly inside...we have storms here where I actually duck my head because the sky is so LOUD if feels it is a couple inches from my head! Our monsoon seasons starts in July and goes until the end of September...we have had huge hail storms during those months...downtown Vegas floods really bad. All the street people and the homeless, who live in the drainage tunnels, vacate and their furniture is floating all over the water ways... During those months, you steer clear of the Strip if it is going to rain...

  6. Ive said it once and I will say it again Mum nature is pissed off...everytime I think the storms have left...BOOM another one hits, its like freaking mad max in thunderdome...scary...glad u r ok friend :)

  7. glad all was well in the end.
    storms always scare me.

    btw, your photos are superb!!

    betty xx

  8. I have always loved storms, but for the first time didn't feel quite the same way while living in Minnesota and having tornado warnings. They definitely take the fun out of it!


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