
Thursday, May 26, 2011

From the "You've got to be kidding me" File

A New Meaning to Peeing on a Wall

This is a heat-sensitive wall that changes colors to how hot your pee is....seriously! The urine drains into the trough below.
photo courtesy of the website

I have only two things to say about this:

1) Wouldn't you be tempted to write your name on the wall? and,

2) I am SO JEALOUS! This is not an equal opportunity for women!

A Bedtime Story You May NOT Want to Read to Your Kids/Grandkids

When you are feeling frustrated cause your kids just won't settle down, and you've read them story after story, it's time to reach for this book. Kidding!

Although I think this would be a good gag gift for a baby shower!

Available at Amazon.

Jewelry Made from Your Cat's Hairball!

No, not the kind that he throws up, silly! His hair rolled up into a BALL! You, too, can have jewelery that looks like this:

Or this:

Who wouldn't want to proudly display their cat's fur? Hopefully it doesn't come with fleas. If you are interested in wearing your cat's fur, contact the designer here.

A Man Named Stupid

Wait. Did I type that out loud? Sorry. I have no clue what his name is really. I have a couple of questions. The most persistent one is, of course, "WHY?"

The second one is, do you think when he sits down to eat a steak, he whips a knife out of his nose to cut into it? Just wondering.....

If you want to see some more horrendous piercings, click here if you dare. Let me warn you - it's pretty gross!


  1. All I can say is Wow! Hairball jewery - what every woman needs...

  2. hairball jewelry...ack! the urine wall looks way cool though

  3. They used to make jewelry and things from women's hair, but the cat's hairballs? Gross!

    The urinal is beautiful, ha! I'm a bit jealous too. I'm just wondering why there isn't a line waiting since I think guys would want to linger longer than they should.

    The bedtime book really would be a great gag shower gift in certain circles, ahem, but not in mine, sadly. Maybe when my daughter gets pregnant I'll give it to her to make her giggle.

  4. ok...

    1. That wall is, and yes I would so write my

    2. hair ball jewels.ewwwwwwwwwww

    3. stupid isnt a strong enough name for that guy

  5. Wow. I love that wall.

    I am putting my cats to work on some jewelry for me right now.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. So what is in Stupid's ears? Dinner plates? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND...

    I have heard of moose poop jewelry, but not with hair balls...

    If I was a guy, I would be writing and drawing for sure!

    Thanks for the laugh...

  8. I have a blogging friend that just got a quilt with some of her cats fur woven into the design. She also has some yarn woven from her cat's fur, being a cat lover I think it's neat. Not a hairball however, yeech!

    I wonder if the last guy has a girlfriend? Wonder what she would look like.

  9. that urine wall is something!!! Am serieously jealous hahah

    the knives and the hairballs, i'm asking why to both...

    something for you on my blog when you're passing by :)

  10. hey, saw your site mentioned on IWASNTBLOGGEDYESTERDAY and thought i'd pop over! i'm with everyone when it comes to the grossness of the jewellery. and as for the piercings... to prevent myself from vomiting, i'm just going to tell myself that it was photoshop.

  11. Oh my, you have done it again - - - found some of the most outlandish things imaginable. People are crazy in this world - - what will they think of next?


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