
Saturday, May 28, 2011

And the Award Goes To.......

It's Award Time! This past week I was lucky enough to receive two awards! Coincidentally they are the same....."Good Bloggers Pay it Forward Award", (does that mean I REALLY deserve it?). The first comes from David Waters at Alokoli. His blog is a wonderful mix of poems, stories, recipes, movie reviews, photos, and just about anything else you can and CAN NOT think of! In fact, you never know what David will write about! And that's the fun of visiting his blog!

The second comes from IWASNTBLOGGEDYESTERDAY, who hails from Australia. It's interesting to read about her corner of the world and I like her sense of humor!

So here are the rules:

Our fellow bloggers present us with a lot of opportunities for furthering our blogs and gaining followers. Here is a way to Pay It Forward to them. When you have been bestowed with the honor of the Pay It Forward Award, insert this award at the top of a blog post, along with these rules, and find FIVE fellow bloggers to bestow it upon. Thank the person who awarded you, mention them in your post, along with a link to your favorite post on their blog, and a short  blurb about why you like it. Next comment on their blog to let them know you are bestowing the award on them, and that they should do the same. And remember: Good Bloggers Pay It Forward!

Whew! Well, that seems like an awful lot of rules. I'm changing it a wee bit. Here are five bloggers that I think you will enjoy! Go ahead and click over to them! I'll wait!

1. Eva from Wrestling with Retirement - This blog is one of the funniest out there in Bloggerland! If you aren't following Eva, you should be! You will instantly feel good EVERY morning, once you read her post! I guarantee it!

2. Wendy from On the Front Porch. A mom of two, Wendy is funny, sarcastic, and a wonderful writer. You will truly enjoy her blog.

3. Gail from At the Farm. Gail lives on a working farm with her husband, 2 sisters, I believe her daughter and 2 grandchildren. Throw in several dogs, cats, cows, horses, and chickens, and you know there's going to be excitement! Add to that Gail's wicked sense of humor and you've got one fun blog!

4. Richard from Boehmcke's Human Condition. This young man hails from New York and is HILARIOUS with a capital "H"! I love his stories about New York City, and his stories about "nothing" in particular. He reminds me of a young Seinfeld. He is a very talented writer and has written and produced two plays and has won a few video contests. Try his blog out. It is thoroughly entertaining.

5. Sharon from A New England Life. If you ever want to see beautiful photography, this is the place to go! Sharon's photos make me long for the beach. She has such a knack for spotting the perfect photo op. Go and visit her blog and see what I mean.

Okay. Whew! I picked 5, I know I probably should have picked 10. But this is a lot of hard work. I am truly awful at passing on awards. I really, REALLY appreciate receiving them. Don't get me wrong. I received about 5 of them over the last year and I never passed them on.

So I have decided from this point on to make this blog a no awards blog. I love you all, really I do, but I can barely keep up with all you prolific bloggers, let alone follow rules and pass on awards. I hope you all understand!


  1. Now you know why I gave up accepting awards. It is a lot of work, plus I often have post scheduled for days ahead of time, and having Memes scheduled for 3 days a week. But I will check out the blggers you picked..I already follow On the Front Portch. Thanks for the kind words!

  2. thanks for the kind words, enjoy the award...and YES you deserve it :)

  3. Congrats on winning the awards...even if it has caused stress in your life!! And thanks for listed 5 more blogs that are so entertaining to wonder I seem to be having trouble getting through a novel these days, I'm too busy reading blogs!!

  4. smiles. david does rock as do the ones i know on your list as well...congrats on the awards pat and hope you are having a great weekend...

  5. Congrats on the awards Pat, you are better at getting them posted and passed along than I am. It is time consuming. Great list of blogs however, I'll check them out.

  6. Howdy Pat! Well deserved awards! I did receive one once, but I never did post or pass on- like you say, sometimes it is just hard to keep up! Blogging is fun, but also time consuming. My family is on the way from San Diego & they are having crazy wind thru AZ. I told her about your & Jim's pics along 1-40 I believe it was- Yikes! Well spring is always windy in Santa Fe, but driving on the hwy w/ blowing dust is a whole other story! Can't wait til they get here safe & sound. Take care Pat!

  7. congrats on the well-deserved awards, Pat.

    have a great week ahead!

    betty xx


No Awards Please! Pull up a chair and rest awhile. What's on your mind?