
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Things in a row - In a grocery store

These photos were all taken at one of my favorite grocery stores in this area called AJ's Finer Foods.

I will write more about this store in my next post, but let me just say that the produce section is unbelievable. Even if a person didn't like to eat their veggies, they would probably change their mind, because these vegetables look so appealing. You can judge for yourself! Just look at all these asparagus standing at attention!

These apples are all shined to perfection; no bruise or soft spot on a one!

Don't you want to pick a peck of these peppers?

 I mean, seriously. Who displays corn like this? Isn't that gorgeous?

Why is it called red cabbage when it is actually purple? Inquiring minds want to know!

This is just a small portion of the display of olive oil. I wanted to take a photo of just the bottles in a row. The whole display was stunning.

You can buy all kinds of beer from all over the world in these larger bottles.

Salami anyone?

Luckily these cookies were behind glass; otherwise I would have drooled all over them. Wait till you see more from the bakery department!

Coconut truffle anyone?

I will continue my tour through this grocery store in my next post. Sorry I have been absent from blogging and commenting; two of my sisters are in town visiting me. We are having a wonderful time and I have so many things to tell you and photos to show you. I just have to find the time! So please be patient with me for the next few days. Plus our park is having a Variety Show and both Jim and I are in it (two different numbers). So you just KNOW that is blog fodder right there! Stay tuned!


  1. Oh, yes, we LOVE AJ's! What's not to love, right? Every time we drive to Arizona, we stop at one of the AJ's and stock up! Yum, yum! You took beautiful photos! Do they let you do that? I know some stores don't...

  2. What a great looking store and everything looks delicious!
    Now I'm hungry!
    Have fun with your sisters.
    ☼ Sunny

  3. beautiful and made me hungry :)

  4. Sisters visiting???It doesn't get better than that. You'll be a good tired when they leave. AND Jim will be glad, I'm sure!!!
    Men love sisters but in little bits, or at least that's so here.
    What a great store. I love when they take the time to present things in such a beautiful way. Makes you want to eat a bit of everything and eat better.
    Great photos. Love ya, Barb
    Rain and drizzle and gray here in OH...

  5. wow pretty cool place...they pay attention to detail...i wonder after people come through do they go back and keep it looking so nice?

  6. Great photos. I especially like the purple cabbages!

  7. Produce, I loce produce. The local store here in my little town will keep the veggies out there for sale until they are really withered and pathetic. I almost want to buy them just to put them out of misery. Can't wait until I can get the garden started!

  8. Love your photos , they made me hungry ! mmm yum yum ! Have a good day !

  9. Wow. I wouldn't even dare take one because it would ruin the illusion. Cool place.

  10. I love these pictures! It was fun taking the tour with you today. I am looking forward to more...

  11. Enjoy your visit and catch us up on the fun times.

    Great produce shots, must be an artist working there.

  12. Brilliant post! Great tittle!
    Terrific shots, Pat!
    You just put me in the best of moods.

    Happy Sunday!

    B xx

  13. I've often wanted to take pics inside a store but the thought of management telling me off put the idea right out of my head. I might try Wal-Mart, see if they mind too much...grins. Your pics are smashing, Pat. Now I'm waiting to hear about that variety show... lots of news about that, please.

  14. I have never been to an AJ's or seen one but if I ever do, I will be certain to stop because of the beauty of today's blog!

  15. I love the rows and fancy displays. It would take a lot of work to get those apples stacked that way but it really looks nice.

    Variety show? That would be fun, I can't wait to hear about that.

  16. Man! The people at that store really know how to merchandise!!!!! I DO want a peck of those peppers!!!! I see stirfry!


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