
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sunday Bridges - Suspension Bridge at Boyce Thompson Arboretum

This is a suspension bridge at the Boyce Thompson Arboretum in Superior, Arizona. It's the kind of bridge that moves when you walk on it, and really sways if you are, perhaps, the kind of person who likes to really jump and make the person behind you feel queasy and a little scared (like me!)

Here's a closer shot so you can get a good look at the ropes.

Ready for a walk?

For more shots of Sunday Bridges, visit Louis La Vache here.


  1. such beauty in design. luv it;)

  2. what a cool looking bridge...with a view as well!

  3. That is a cool bridge, but I don't think I'd like to walk on it at the same time as you!

  4. I would sit down and refuse to mov if someone started jumping on it while I was crossing......

  5. you are not to be trusted!! I'll just stay behind and take pics.

  6. This reminds me of the same type bridge at Ocoee Whitewater where the 1994 Olympics (kayaking) was held. Engineering is fascinating. I don't know how to do it but can admire the results.

  7. Nice photos. We have a bridge down the road from us going over our Otter River it has been there since the 1800s it is made of huge steel beams . I have a photo of it in a old post I did of our village! I like the look of bridges ! Have a good day !

  8. I love 'bridge' pictures. It's something to do with the angles, I think. Not sure whether I would go on a rope bridge though.

  9. Nice bridge.

    I'd be a little scared crossing it though.

  10. What gorgeous shadows on the last photo.

  11. I am sure you know how lucky you are to see such beauty and such variety each and every day of the year.

  12. A set of twins I grew up with (boy and girl) lived across a small stream. My grandma lived on that side too. Usually we drove across the water but when it flooded we had to park on one side and walk across a small suspension bridge. A SMALL bridge with hardly any side railings. I HATED that bridge. :)
    With that said, I think I might be ok on this one you pictured.

  13. That is a really great looking bridge. I don't mind susspension bridges if there is something to hold onto.

  14. That a great looking bridge. I wouldn't like it very much if someone started making it move, either!
    ☼ Sunny

  15. I would be jumping on it while Kathy got queasy! My hubby would NEVER step a foot on it. I love the pictures! You have a great eye!


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