
Friday, February 11, 2011

A Day at the Flat - Tortilla Flat, that is

When visitors come to see us, one of the first places we take them to see is Tortilla Flat. According to their website, it is considered "the friendliest little town in Arizona", and with a population of only 6, presumed to be Arizona's smallest official "community" since they have a voter's precinct and post office. Click here to read more about the history of Tortilla Flat.

It is a beautiful drive out to the town, with winding roads, rolling hills, saguaros, chollas, prickly pears, and santa rita cacti doting the roadside, and Superstition Mountains looming in the distance.

I like the color of this rock, made yellow by lichen.

This is looking down at Canyon Lake.

This is taken to the left of the above photo.

A couple of hearty souls riding up the hill!

You can either eat inside the restaurant, or outside where there is a live band. We chose to eat outside and munched on grilled hamburgers and listened to the Tortilla Flat Band.

The crowd seemed to be enjoying themselves.

The walls inside the restaurant are papered with dollar bills that have been contributed by the thousands of patrons. The bathrooms are kind of fun. Here is a photo of the women's bathroom.You can see that if a woman stood up in the stall, her head would be on top of the painting.

Here are some of the fun things I found in the gift shop. Take this tampon holder for instance. Seriously?

Tell me this....why is there a GUY on a tampon case?

Here are some crazy hand sanitizers!

In need of a girlfriend, boyfriend, or therapist? How about one for the low, low cost of $2.95?

(Note the "for ages 3 and up" in the top left corner!)

Here is a rock formation right across from the saloon and gift shop.

The saloon and restaurant.

Here's the  hanging man. He used to hang from a dead tree near the road, but he was moved to over the ice cream shop. We always stop and grab a cone there. Our choice of flavor: prickly pear ice cream! The fruit from the prickly pear is a cross between a strawberry and a raspberry.

I caught this beautiful reflection as we were heading out of the area.

We had a fun time and next stop: Goldfield Ghost Town.


  1. Hello Pat
    I want to take a drive with you see all that beautiful scenery but most of all I want to go shopping with you 'cose you find the most wonderful strange fun things to buy lol Would they sell much of the hand sanitiser with those slogans on - I wonder if people decant them or cover them so that doesn't show?
    Take care

  2. Interesting and enlightening, Pat. I'm astonished that the community only numbers 6. Love the scene in the last picture and had a giggle over the 'grow your own' products. Have a great weekend.

  3. That is some crazy s***! :)

    Gorgeous photos of the desert.

    Seriously, population 6?

    You find the funnest things.

  4. What beautiful country!

    Amazing gift ideas...did you stock up?

    Isn't that a Steinbeck story?

    I know, I am supposed to comment, not ask a lot of questions!

  5. I didn't know there was an actual "Tortilla Flat." We had a sign at the entrance to one of the places we lived that said Tortilla Flat. Looks like you had a good time & had some fun finds!

  6. I always want to come along with you!
    Love the gift items - 'know your flow' - that's too funny. I actually think the titles on the hand sanitizers might make some people think a little bit more.
    Fun post Pat and lovely shots of the scenery.

  7. once again you've taken me on an amazing it, those germ cleansers made me snort out

  8. The photos are beautiful and brought back memories of our cross country trip. Although, we didn't pass through Tortilla Flat! We do have a Mexican restaurant in Portland, ME, named Tortilla Flats.

  9. you find the funniest things! i think shopping with you would be a hoot. love the pictures. the scenery in AZ is outstanding.

  10. Gorgeous photos. That is some crazy hand sanitizer. I know a few people I would like to send them to.

  11. Great post, Pat. Never heard of the place but I will not forget it anytime soon.
    Thanks for a good time.

  12. wow. the landscape is gorgeous...we may never make it to town...

    ha some funny stuff in the store...

  13. Love the ladies' room stall doors. They are cute and clever. I guess I would like that ice cream flavor, too, since strawberry is a favorite of mine. Beautiful scenery!!!!!

  14. This looks like a really fun town to visit but I would want you as my tour guide. You are making me realize we have visited the wrong parts of AZ.

  15. What a delightful read!
    The desert photos are marvellous.
    I'd love to travel with you.

    B xx

  16. Oh what fun! The scenery is terrific. Population of 6, sounds like my kinda place, LOL!
    ☼ Sunny

  17. Wow! Does Tortilla Flats look like fun! And I agree! What is a guy doing on a Tampon holder???? Really?
    Those hand sanitizers really cracked me up! What a kitchy little place! :)
    Looks like you are having fun!


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