
Monday, January 31, 2011

World's Largest or Almost

Traveling around the United States,we sure get to see some big things.

I mean really big things.

Like "World's Largest".

Take, for instance, this World's Largest Frying Pan, in Long Beach, Washington.

Which would go well with the World's Largest Fork, found outside of an office building in Springfield, Missouri.

We stopped in Carefree, Arizona to see the World's Largest Sundial. And believe me, they get a LOT of sun in Arizona!

Another interesting site was the crater a meteor left after crashing to the earth 50,000 years ago outside of Winslow, Arizona. I don't know if it's the World's Largest or not, but it's pretty whopping big!

This is looking down into the crater.

To give you perspective of exactly how LARGE the hole is, I zoomed in on that small white area at the bottom of the hole. There is a picture of a 6 ft tall astronaut attached to the fence next to an American flag.

Driving through Lincoln, Illinois we found the World's Largest Covered Wagon.

You've seen me post this cross before, located in Groom, Texas. It's actually the second largest in the United States, the first being in Effingham, IL.

Fountain Hills, Arizona boasts the World's Tallest Fountain, at 560 ft. (Although now East St. Louis, IL claims to have one that shoots up to 630 ft!)

The following photos aren't the World's Largest anything, but just huge displays of something!

This cow could be seen far down the highway. Now that's a lotta beef! Those are similar to street lights next to the cow!

One time we exited the highway to get some gas. This was in the open field across from the gas station.

Quite a sight to see. Here's a different perspective. Like you're sitting on the park bench in the middle of nowhere, possible waiting for a bus to come along, when what should happen to appear but a couple of dinosaurs!

I'm sure I've missed some of the World's Largest that we have seen. These were just off the top of my head. I'm sure there will be a future installment!


  1. i want the worlds largets bacon to go with the frying pan so i can use the fork...just saying...

  2. These are very BIG! Thanks, again, for showing me things I will only see through your eyes.

  3. That skillet could make a lot of corn bread!
    Love the cow!!

  4. We saw a couple of world's largest sites when we traveled through Maine this past Oct- Paul Bunyan in Bangor; Eartha - large globe and Freeport Indian. Then there was Lenny the chocolate moose too. These sites are fun stuff.
    And, I liked you previous post about trying to get a new phone. Our cell plan is so old that we don't have any of those data fees, but it we upgraed our phone or plan they would force us into a newer, and more costly, plan for sure. Makes me mad too.

  5. Kansas has the world's largest ball of twine in Cawker City (built by a community) and the largest hand-dug well in (what was left of) Greensburg (after the tornado in 2007 took out the town).

  6. You saw some interesting sights!

  7. I love your fun post. Now if you could find the 'World's Largest Egg' to fry! Haha!
    ☼ Sunny

  8. Do dynosaurs lay eggs? Just asking! My favourite pic was the extra large wagon ... think of the view if you took a ride in it.

  9. That's some really whopping stuff. Thanks for the BIG tour. I enjoyed it.

  10. I didn't realize I lived in the state where the world's biggest frying pan was found! You did give me a side trip idea though. Thanks!:)

  11. I can't believe that frying pan! Who decides colossal utensils are a must?

    Those were some really fabulous sights. Thanks for showing them all, Pat.

    Love the dinosaurs in the middle of nowhere.

  12. Loved this Pat!
    I like the bench and the dinosaur.
    You have to admit things like this make traveling fun though.

  13. Goodness Pat, I am always amazed at the great things you find on your travels. The dinosaurs are way too much fun.

  14. Heeehehehe!!! Your terrific posts never fail to amuse me. That big old fork place first started out as a restaurant then a coffee house prior to bein' an office building. Just in case inquirin' minds want to know. :o)

    God bless ya sweetie and have a warm cozy kinda day!!! :o)

  15. We saw the world's largest ball of string in Cawker Kansas~!! Do NOT ask me why. (And I'm sure you want to plan your next trip around tht ;>)/...

    Pat, have you ever thought about fixing your blog to make it easier for those of us who don't blog on google to comment? I know some google blogs have a URL option. I had to set up a google account just so I could comment on you and a few other favorites.

  16. hey pat!
    you've got some great one's here that i haven't seen~ the fork's my fav. i do have a pic of me next to the world's largest pistachio, near Alamagordo, NM.


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