
Saturday, January 15, 2011

I am NOW sweating like a fat girl!

Did you make New Year's Resolutions this year?

Have you already broken them?

Don't feel bad. Most people do.

I resolved NOT to make any resolutions this year!

I'm doing great at keeping that resolution, by the way!

But I DID decide this is the year I'm going to get healthier.

Yeah, I know, I wasn't happy about it either. I was downright cranky about it. But hey, I sure enjoyed putting the weight on, you know?

While we are in AZ, I usually go to my water aerobics class. It's a nice, "easy" class. Mostly stretching. I do get my heart rate up, but only for a few minutes. It's still better than nothing, and the gossip session at the end of the class makes it all worth while.

We have a pretty good gym here in the park, which I have avoided for years. Jim goes there M-F.

You might have wondered what happened to the Zumba DVD I bought or the one class I attended. Humph.

Parts of me were shaking that haven't shook in years.

And they hurt.

My bones couldn't take all that jumping.

I probably have to wait until I'm down about 50 pounds. Then I'll try it again.

But I spoke to a woman from the Zumba class, Gloria, who I also know from the park. She talked to me about joining the gym. She told me that she had hired a trainer (available through the park) to teach her about the different equipment in the gym and to make up a fitness plan for her. Gloria's husband told her that HE could show her how to work everything in the gym. Her reply? "I didn't want HIM telling me what to do!"

Exactly! Because Jim had offered the same thing! Last year he showed me a few things; I worked on some of the weights and he put too much weight on one of the machines! I was so sore the next day!

SO, a couple of weeks ago there was a program called, "Get to know your gym" (NOT: Get to know your JIM *wink, wink*), and a friend of mine, Viv, and I attended, along with like a gazillion other people (who's New Year's Resolutions I'm sure was to lose weight!)

It was so crowded that we couldn't see all of the demonstrations. So Viv and I decided to hire the trainer for one hour (I felt like a movie star - I have a personal trainer!) She designed a program for each of us; mine varied a little from Viv's because of some issues I have with my joints.

This looks like me. Only I'm older, fatter, I have shorter hair, and it's blond. But otherwise it looks EXACTLY like me!

This is what I have learned so far:

  1. That saying, "You sweat like a fat girl"? Now I know what that means! I didn't sweat until I started working out. Huh.
  2. The industry must be against fat girls working out because I can't find an exercise bra in my size. And believe me, fat girls NEED exercise bras. It's downright DANGEROUS to be bopping around with my girls flopping around. I mean, seriously, I could get a coupla' black eyes!
  3. I'm embarrassed to exercise, but if I wear earphones and blast my music, I won't hear any snickers like "Look at that fool!"
  4. When they say that you feel so much better and have so much energy after exercising? Yeah, I'm waiting for that to happen. Right now I'm pretty exhausted. 
  5. I have no sense of balance. Some of our workout routine is on the yoga balls. First we sit on the ball and then lift one foot up and then put it down, then switch to the other foot and do the same, like we are marching. Easy peasy, right? Wrong. Or try doing upper crunches by sitting on the ball, then leaning back, WITHOUT MOVING THE BALL BACK, then move forward again. I almost fell off the ball. I looked over at Viv and she was going back and forth like there was no tomorrow. WTF? I obviously wasn't clenching my buttocks as firmly as she was, because I was saying, "Whoa!" and the trainer had to "spot" me. Seriously. How embarrassing is that?

My second week of working out is done. I'm alternating doing my water aerobics and working out 3x a week. Something's gotta give, right? Now if only I can stop my partying and drinking......

This looks like me when I'm done exercising. Only I'm not green. Oh yeah, and I'm not a FROG. But otherwise it looks EXACTLY like me!


  1. I agree with kermit...hahhahahaa you crack me up friend:)

  2. Way to go Pat!!! I'm interested to hear that the personal trainer was able to design a program for you, might be something I will have to look in to. Keep up the hard work, sweating is good for gets rid of some of the beverages from the night before!!! LOL

  3. Yeah, I got one of those balls. I keep moving it from storage place to storage place. The most activity it sees is when I bounce just to annoy the dachshound. He loves balls, but this giant one freaks him out!

  4. Good luck with this endeavor, Pat. I know you can do it because you are dedicated. Love reading your adventures in AZ.

  5. LOL - you sound like me! I am resolving to get healthier this year, too. I've started several times and keep getting side-tracked. I think I need to join weight watchers or something. No, what I actually need is a wife... LOL, so I can come home to dinner and have my lunch fixed for me.

    Damn... I'm the wife.

  6. Ugh, I hate working out but I know I need to start. Perhaps one day.

    Good luck!

  7. i tried the get to know the gym a few years ago...the trainer had me puking by the end...eveil places...

  8. Sweating is good. It removes toxins from your body. It will take a month or two before you feel renewed energy. The trick is not to hurt yourself before then. Take it from one who knows and obviously strained something by pushing too hard! Jane Fonda's "Go for the Burn" is not necessary.

  9. I'm in shape. Round is a shape.

  10. LOL! You crack me up! They say it takes a month to really form a habit. I don't know if that's true or not. For a while I was going on the treadmill every other day, but then stress came along and zapped me of my energy and time. Since them I'm more like Kermit.

  11. I haven't made any resolutions... don't usually, but I think I sit down & write some goals for the year... of course living more healthy & balanced life will be in there.
    Good for you for joining the gym!

  12. LOL! I know what you mean about those balls! I have one that has a mind of its own, I swear. I had a personal trainer once and really liked it. He came to my house once a week and it was the best thing I ever did for myself - you end up working out the rest of the week because you don't want him to know you didn't do anything for a week. And, believe me, they KNOW.

  13. Pat, you're the best! I had a personal trainer once, and it was the best thing I ever did. I would have never known how to work some of the equipment. This is so great you're doing this. I'm finding as I get older, if I don't exercise, I get stiffer and less flexible, and I think that is as dangerous as not pumping that heart. Hang in there. Doesn't it take 21 days to develop a habit?

  14. Good for you Pat! Keep it up!

    You'll never regret getting in better shape, but you'll *always* regret being out of shape.
    My Yoga teacher says "They say just showing up is 80% of success!" It's right, too, 'cause if you show up, you're bound to do something; you don't want to just stand there. That's when people talk negatively about you. So just keep showing up!
    The real key to getting in shape is finding something you love doing! For me, that's Zumba. It's my Crack! But i know it's not for everyone.
    Just find something you like doing, and then do it. On a regular basis. Vigorously. =-)
    And then it's okay when you have a drink every evening. =-)

  15. You make the torture of exercise so delightful. Makes me want to rush out and do the same thing...almost.

  16. Forget Zumba, way too much hopping around. Try something that is actually fun. Maybe bellydance? The only dance thing that is actually better for larger women. Skinny women look stupid doing bellydance, just remember that. And keep it up with the gym. Find ways to make it fun and rewarding, even if it's only the spa tub afterwards. It's absolutely true that if you do it for a month you will be in the habit of doing it. Keep records of how much stronger you are getting! Very motivating. And be sure to check off on a calendar or something after you go and what you did so you can see how much you have done. You'll love the new you.

  17. Oh Pat I LOVE YOU!! You tell it like it is!!! I am losing some weight by being sick...but I am almost down to another tenth level...I was laughing so hard when I read your post...not AT you, but I felt like you were describing ME!!!

    In my head, I am in my thirties and ready to rock...then I start jumping around and my ankles and knees crack, (which is not easy to hear over the huffing and puffing, believe me) and I keep losing my balance....

    I got a weighted hula hoop for Christmas...(Yes, I asked for it) and have to wear a sweatshirt and hold my boobs because it hurts so dang bad around the waist and it rides up to my boobs...YEEEEEE_OOOOOWWWWW!

    No I did not make resolutions either...and bouncing boobs are definitely a HEALTH HAZARD!!!

  18. No resolutions for me. I tend not to keep them.
    I wish you all the success in the world with your excercise program. I did Curves a few years ago and enjoyed it but my knees are so bad it isn't practical.
    And yeah, what is it that excercise clothing comes only in small sizes!

  19. Oooh Pat, I admire your determination. Do you think a personal trainer would prepare a programme for me along the lines of the green frog. I could do that, yes, I could definitely do that.

  20. Good for you girl! As for the sweating I can do that just sitting lol Menopause that is lol I walk everyday with my Miggy for an hour at a fast pace , play with her outside runnung around litterly and I walk the stairs twice a day for 20 min each. I put on weight due to the change of life and now I have to get it off for me, I was 130lbs, now well, lets just say I need to loose 35 lbs you do the math, the worst of it is that I am short 4"9 and everything is compact lol , but hey as long as I feel good thats the main thing for me ! Have a great day !

  21. You are so funny. Good for you. I hope you are able to stick with it and reach your goal. We must be like minded. I just wrote a post about getting into shape - except it is about my hubby. He's sweatin' and struggling too.

  22. Oooh sounds like SO much fun. Yikes! I go to aerobics here too -- it's not so bad except it's at 8 in the morning, what the heck is THAT about? Maybe I'm so sleepy I don't really know what I'm doing so it doesn't hurt as bad.

    We bought a WII for the games, but I also bought the balance board and those fitness games are a pretty painless -- the balance ones are really good, b/c I can't walk a straight line, so I really need help in that area.

  23. Oh girl ya crack me up!!! Ya just need to find something that's right for you. That way ya can stick with it.

    Ya want to come run some wild~eyed cattle????

    Just askin'........

    God bless ya and have a marvelous day my friend!!!!

  24. Good for you. Keep it up!

    Thanks for the awesome style of writing.
    That frog image is too funny.

    B xx

  25. Sorry I'm so behind on my blog commenting. Trying to keep up!

    B xx


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