
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Paths of Flight - Awesome Video!

This is such a cool and unbelievable video. A crew filmed airplanes taking off and landing over a course of 24 hours, then combined it into a clip less than 2 minutes. It shows the beautiful choreography in the sky that most of us are totally unaware of, whether we are on the planes themselves, or on the ground.

  • The number of airplanes filmed for this video. - 63
  • The number of airplanes in the sky every hour in the US. - 5K
  • The number of hours spent filming airplanes for this video. - 24
  • The number of airplanes operating in the US skies every day. - 50K
  • The number of flights the crew took to film airplanes. - 13
  • The number of people (in millions) that flew in airplanes in 2010. -  621
  • The percentage of US airspace covered by radar. - 90%
above information and video courtesy of

Christmas joke-of-the-day

Q. What did the Gingerbread Man put on his bed?
A. A cookie sheet!


  1. Very impressive. It's a shame how many people don't realize the difficulty and effort of coordinating the domestic flights.

  2. You're right it is awesome. It made me realise how much we take for granted. Big groan for the joke...grins.

  3. that was really cool! oh yeah i dont want to be the guy giving directions.

  4. Pat - - That is beautiful and a lot quieter than real airplanes landing and taking off. Those figures on airplanes in the U.S. are astounding..... very cute joke - - love it.

  5. Incredible! The music fit it perfectly too. Those facts are amazing.

  6. That was cool!!! Who knew all that stuff! Thanks for enlightening me!

    Loved the joke!!

  7. Wow, amazing!
    I totally loved that music too ! :)

    B xx

  8. Pat my friend an award awaits you at Pen to Page:)

  9. That is an awesome video. My hubby is a private pilot, I am going to have to show this to him.

    Funny joke, it did cause a giggle.

  10. Can you imagine if those flights took off and landed as close as they were in the clip??? Oh Lordy, I would really NEVER fly again...

    When I saw the movie PUSHING TIN with Billy Bob Thornton, John Cusack and Angelina Jolle, I was shocked when I saw the air traffic controller's screen!!!

  11. Wow, that was fun to watch. I had to look up Kelowna to see where it was (BC). My kids will now dream of sleeping under cookie sheets!


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